Since this article only discusses fast food joints, I will not include the all-time great wing spots, Wingstop and Buffalo Wild Wings, even though they are superior to just about every restaurant that serves wings.
Browsing: Opinion
Editorials and opinions from the Lariat staff and readers.
But every kid with divorced parents knows the dread that creeps in as the weather grows colder and the days get shorter. It’s the dread of having to choose: Which parent will I wake up with on Christmas morning, and which one will wake up alone?
It has become increasingly accepted in Western culture for women to be the breadwinners, and while this could lift societal expectations, it’s also leaving women with the question: “Where do I find an equal mate?”
I know it’s not everyone’s ideal plan to stay in Waco over the summer. But, there really shouldn’t be a stigma around saving money on rent, utilizing local internships and having time to explore Waco’s culture outside of a busy semester.
Driving an older car is like conversing with a respected mentor. They teach and provide you with experiences you wouldn’t have had if you woke up on your sweet sixteenth with a pair of keys to a new Mercedes-Benz.
While the rest of the world condemns these abominations, the U.S. stands and applauds. We send instruments of death to Israel’s genocidal project. Our weapons level their cities, with nearly 60% of all buildings in Gaza damaged or destroyed. And as generations of Palestinians are slaughtered, Israel sells property on their graves.
Real families have issues. They have tense meals and strained relationships. Being at school doesn’t fix those things; it just helps us forget about them. Regardless of the issues, our families are still our families. And what’s a better time to express our love for them than the holidays?
This holiday season, let’s try and change the conversation to something beyond how many pounds we’ve lost or gained. Shifting the focus onto other things can not only be for you, but also for other people in the room who don’t know how to speak up.
Trust me, I understand the need to set boundaries with watching and consuming media, but that doesn’t mean staying uninformed. News consumption is about moderation rather than complete disengagement.
While seasonal depression has many effects, there are just as many ways to combat seasonal depression. The more common treatments include vitamin D supplements, light therapy, psychotherapy and prescribed medications. With the days ending much earlier in the winter than the summer, people suffering from SAD may plan to watch the sunset most evenings for vitamin D exposure and to help adjust internal clocks.
Find your ultimate peace and joy in Jesus and the community He will provide for you, whether that be in a chapter in Greek life or another community on campus.
According to the United Nations Environment Programme, the fashion industry is responsible for around 10% of global carbon emissions. This is more than all international flights and maritime shipping combined.
Maybe the issue isn’t that it’s not a unified, independent country. Maybe the issue is that the existence of Palestine — historically, factually and prophetically — is inconvenient for the U.S.
The shift away from celebrating Christ during Christmas isn’t accidental. It’s the result of a culture that increasingly prioritizes instant gratification, external displays of success and an artificial sense of joy over genuine spiritual reflection.
Being a stay-at-home mom is an often thankless job. These women put in hours of exhaustive and unpaid labor, yet the idea that they don’t “work” is still rampant. Society has the tendency to downplay the importance of this role, partly because it has been considered the norm for centuries in America — more of an expectation than a commendable sacrifice of time, money, energy and emotional labor.
Even if your thankfulness is a choice this Thanksgiving, we encourage you to find something that has been a blessing in your life this year and to focus your gratitude toward that gift. We here at the Ed Board decided to do the same.
So, without further ado, here are the things we are especially thankful for this year.
Contactless delivery satisfies our need for more things and to have them brought to us without having to interact with a soul, while streaming services, telehealth, personal grocery shoppers, curbside, home gyms, FaceTime, online school and remote work beg the question: why leave the house at all?
Willie Nelson may be an outlaw of country music, but he should not be an outlaw on Baylor’s campus. Willie Nelson should be unbanned in respect to his legacy and success.
There’s nothing I can do about the connection between hunting and its Southern roots, and I promise I won’t call PETA every time hunting season comes around. What I find weird is the need to post it on social media. Somehow a limp deer with blood pouring from its mouth does not violate the community guidelines. If I’ve seen the first picture, I don’t need a slideshow of the deer from every angle — with video — of it getting skinned and shot.
During the national anthem for U.S. Navy members, the entirety of the Fox Sports crew attentively stood with their right hands over their hearts. However Michael Strahan, Pro Football Hall of Famer and now television host for Fox Sports, stood with his hands crossed in front of his body.
So how do we manage our time well, making sure we stay true to our commitments, but don’t get dragged down with overwhelming busyness? You have to be OK with saying “no.”
Don’t let your friends of all things be what’s stressing you out and causing issues. Even if it’s difficult or uncomfortable, weed out the bad friends in your life. In the end, it will improve your quality of life.
According to career guidance firm Pathrise, it now takes an average of 294 job applications to land a position. That’s a 0.3% acceptance rate, which is 10 times more competitive than Harvard. Compared to Baylor — which just reported an all-time low 38% acceptance rate — it’s over 100 times harder.
Native American History Month is about much more than saying sorry for what those before did wrong. It’s about acknowledging and celebrating a group of people who loved and cared for the lands that we now live on.
With Veteran’s Day just passing, instead of posting on your Instagram story how much you respect our troops, let’s begin acting rather than staying complacent.
Through storms and elections and everything in between, Jesus is writing our story. That mantra is just as true today as every other day in history.
While many Kamala Harris supporters may blame her loss on America being a racist or sexist nation, the true reason Harris lost the election was her inability to appeal to the average voter or separate herself from the failures of the Biden administration.
It’s like in high school, when people would say student government, prom king or queen and homecoming court are all popularity contests. The well-known people always win. It was networking before we even knew what it was.
While I appreciate having many options in a gas station, I draw the line when I am waiting forever to check out and the building is holding too many people. Fun fact: Every time I step foot in a Buc-ee’s, I am crammed in there like a sardine and I am run over by someone who apparently can’t wait another moment to buy the beef jerky they’re addicted to. Not worth it.
It only takes reading a few news articles each day to increase attention span, slow aging and improve one’s conversational skills.