Author: Jamie Barrett

The idea of summer being this beautiful time of year for a break is just not reality. Summer is a sweaty and preoccupied time. This is not to say that I have never had fun during the summer, because I have. I am just pointing out that it is not all it is talked up to be and that there are better seasons in the year.

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Currently, it is mandatory for all first-year students at Baylor to live on campus, but what is the reasoning behind this? According to Baylor, it is “for first-year students to live and grow together and find their place.” However, I find that in some cases, the benefits of on-campus living do not always outweigh the drawbacks. Here are some reasons why I believe mandatory on-campus living should be reconsidered.

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The first-ever Sic ‘Em Slam is bringing poetry and spoken word to the Barfield Drawing Room from 7 to 9 p.m. on Friday. The Baylor Activities Council and the Division of Student Life are hosting the showcase in an effort to create awareness of the diversity of experiences on campus, inviting students, faculty and staff to share their stories through the art form.

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