Author: Claire-Marie Scott

Claire-Marie Scott is a freshman Journalism major from Austin. In her first year at the Lariat, she is excited to learn and get experience covering the athletic side at Baylor. After graduation, she hopes to work for a TV station covering sports.

Whenever I meet a new friend, one of my first questions is what their favorite music artist is or what genre of music they like best. I used to think these questions gave me an idea of who they are, but then I realized that music taste does not reflect someone’s personality.

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After a hectic year of classes, many students take the opportunity to rest and recharge during the summer. While I understand wanting to take a break, I think students should be more open to taking summer classes. Taking summer classes helps you complete hours in a cheaper, more individualized way.

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Everyone craves friendships that are healthy, two-sided and loving, especially in college, where we are constantly surrounded by people our age. I have found that in order to find friends who are kind and giving, you must be that sort of friend in return.

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When you replace the word of God and the seriousness of going to church by making it a popularity contest, you start to lose people. There is something so beautiful about having a diverse mixture of friends — some who share your beliefs and some who don’t.

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As a former Starbucks barista, I used to dread the start of fall drinks. Every August, my coworkers and I would be bombarded by groups of people enthusiastically ordering the most famous seasonal drink: the pumpkin spice latte. I’ll admit, when I was a 15-year-old, I also enjoyed a festive pumpkin beverage, but after working at Starbucks and being around it, I’ll say it doesn’t deserve the hype that it gets.

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