According to Title IX Education and Prevention Specialist Valerie Willis, more than 50% of sexual assaults on campus nationally are between the start of the fall semester and Thanksgiving break.
“Certain programs will offer classes that fit certain majors,” Whitlark said. “They’re like the one I do. We offer BIC courses, Great Texts courses and religion courses. So, if you’re looking for credits in those areas or you’re interested in those classes that we’re leading in, [choosing our program] is a great opportunity.”
“This is a time for family and friends to gather and gaze at the moon together — even if they are miles apart — and then enjoy some delicious moon cakes afterwards,” Lin said.
“Take a lot of pride in the work you do in class,” Martinez said. “People sense the excitement in you, especially the recruiters. I want to work with another human being who has the same level of passion that my co-workers do.”
As Baylor strives to recruit more international students as part of its Baylor in Deeds strategic plan, part of that process includes ensuring international students adjust and transition to life in America.
“It’s a very ambitious plan, but it’s the right plan for Baylor at this time,” Brickhouse said.
Just In
For the first time in program history, Baylor soccer hosted Arizona Thursday night at Betty Lou Mays Field. Fighting against an aggressive offense, the Bears dropped the tight contest, 1-0.
In ancient Greece, athletes competed in events for a chance at glory, fame and prestige. In 2024 at Baylor University, Greek life competes in intramural sports with the same goals.
The Bears are set to host the brand-new fall NCAA Individual Championships in November.
Baylor’s offensive struggles met an impenetrable Texas defense in the non-conference ranked matchup.
Lariat TV News Today week, well tell you all about Baylor’s new strategic plan, and provide an update…
Parking Services confirmed the overselling of permits to Lot 30 on 7th Street and James Ave., but is taking steps to minimize fallout from the error.
Director of Parking and Transportation Services Matt Penney said that the new system glitched while distributing permits, causing the oversell.
This week we’re remembering those who lost their lives on 9/11. We also clue you…
We are excited to bring you the first newscast of the semester! We’re giving you…
The Bears fell one hit short of a reverse sweep.
Baylor men’s tennis has been known to feature funny, energetic and emotional players who light up the court with excitement. Seniors Oskar Brostrom Poulsen and Marko Miladinović are no different.
Arts & Life
Musicians dressed to the nines and numerous attendees poured into Jones Hall on Thursday night for the Baylor Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble concert. This was no ordinary show, as world-renowned composer and conductor Frank Ticheli made a guest appearance at the concert where students played several of his compositions.
Despite the many comforts and amenities theaters have gained over the years, it just doesn’t seem to be enough to keep viewers coming back for more.
Between longhorn photos and ‘live, laugh, love’ welcome mats, room decor has become more generic over the years. While it’s convenient to take a trip to Target and grab the first five things you see in the “Magnolia” section, do your Pinterest board justice and aim for something more original.
Pepper spray is one of the most common self defense items — especially for women — because of its versatility and affordability. However, according to the Baylor Guide to Community Living, pepper spray is prohibited in all residence halls.
There is danger in placing divine importance on the shoulders of a political candidate. Not only is it theologically bankrupt in that it presumes that anyone can know God’s plan for us — and even more absurdly, that we can intuit how God feels about American elections — but it elevates support for a politician past any reasonable level. It becomes closer to idol worship than advocacy.
Whenever I meet a new friend, one of my first questions is what their favorite music artist is or what genre of music they like best. I used to think these questions gave me an idea of who they are, but then I realized that music taste does not reflect someone’s personality.
In a society that promotes overnight trends, cancel culture and gossip, it’s time to stop scrolling and start thinking for yourself.