With the integration of AI in job boards and a never-ending list of “preferred” and required experience, finding a job or internship has never been harder. But in the same vein, getting the experience required to check all the boxes is extremely accessible, cheap and not time-consuming.
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Would a person walk into a job interview and say “Sup”? Most people would answer no. Why? Because it is not an appropriate interaction to have with a potential employer and breaks traditional etiquette. If a person were to do this, that would be embarrassing on their part because it shows they lack basic communication skills.
Whatever it is that you do, the spirit of the sweet treat is finding some time — even just a few minutes — to give yourself a gift.
Far too many people don’t look further than the text of these articles. Some — as many as 75% of people, based on a study conducted from 2017-2020 — don’t even read past the headline. Upon a few extra minutes of examining sources and digging deeper into certain statistics, one may find that many of these articles exaggerate, mislead and even outright lie about the information within.
Black History Month means something different for every American. For some, it means remembering ancestors who suffered on our soil. For others, it could mean uplifting friends who may not share the same generational history, but share a similar commitment to equal opportunities for all people.
You shouldn’t be paying an extra $15-30 per month to watch a couple of games a month. Spend that time watching your team at any place, like a restaurant, that plays live sports. Sports, in its existence, was something to be enjoyed by groups of people together — it’s not an exclusive individual hobby.
Too often are students told to “get a job that will get you the most money” or “you should be just like so-and-so” or “this career is the only one that’s worth it.” These statements are what causes students to become blinded to all of the opportunities that are available to them –– the opportunities that will make them happy and feel like the work they’re doing is worth something.
Sitting 80 years from the reign of concentration camps, some of the most influential people in the world have accepted, forgiven and laughed off a gesture that insulted generations. Hundreds of news publications and thousands of people stated their disbelief, but their opinions were quickly swept under the rug when their reasoning was dubbed “wokeism.”
It’s easy to play the blame game in the midst of something so terrible, but pointing fingers doesn’t help anyone right now. Some Californians have lost everything in these fires. What should be the focus of peoples’ conversations and efforts is how to help, not who to blame.
It matters very little if you like Hegseth’s politics or you don’t. We should all be able to recognize that a seasoned military leader with senior experience is desperately needed. Rhetoric isn’t enough. Words alone don’t win wars. Leadership qualities, knowledge of military tactics and a high level of experience do. As it stands, Hegseth hasn’t shown that he has any of these traits, and defense secretary is too important a position to roll the dice on an outside hire.
Real families have issues. They have tense meals and strained relationships. Being at school doesn’t fix those things; it just helps us forget about them. Regardless of the issues, our families are still our families. And what’s a better time to express our love for them than the holidays?
While seasonal depression has many effects, there are just as many ways to combat seasonal depression. The more common treatments include vitamin D supplements, light therapy, psychotherapy and prescribed medications. With the days ending much earlier in the winter than the summer, people suffering from SAD may plan to watch the sunset most evenings for vitamin D exposure and to help adjust internal clocks.
Even if your thankfulness is a choice this Thanksgiving, we encourage you to find something that has been a blessing in your life this year and to focus your gratitude toward that gift. We here at the Ed Board decided to do the same.
So, without further ado, here are the things we are especially thankful for this year.
Contactless delivery satisfies our need for more things and to have them brought to us without having to interact with a soul, while streaming services, telehealth, personal grocery shoppers, curbside, home gyms, FaceTime, online school and remote work beg the question: why leave the house at all?
Native American History Month is about much more than saying sorry for what those before did wrong. It’s about acknowledging and celebrating a group of people who loved and cared for the lands that we now live on.
With Veteran’s Day just passing, instead of posting on your Instagram story how much you respect our troops, let’s begin acting rather than staying complacent.
Remember the words of Abraham Lincoln, who, honestly, lived in a time of much deeper division than we do. “A house divided cannot stand,” he said, echoing the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke. He knew it then, and we know it now: America has two choices.
Farming is due for a rebrand where implementing new techniques, technology and perceptions of the industry can help create an attractive career for the next generation. Farming is more fundamental than ever, so if we start paying more attention to it, we can reliably support those who do the work.
Media literacy is at an all-time low. Let’s take a minute to explain who we are and what we do.
Survival players might be seen as those who thrive in high-pressure environments. Creative players, on the other hand, might be more drawn to exploration, self-expression, and freedom.
Combs was arrested in September and charged with sex trafficking, racketeering and transportation to engage in prostitution. Since his arrest in September, more than 100 alleged victims have come forward with accusations against him. In addition to these allegations, TikTok sleuths have concocted countless conspiracy theories in conjunction with the charges.
People deal with change differently, but there tend to be two types of people in this world: those who accept change with open arms and those who fear it. However you cope, your attitude toward change matters, so it may be time for a mindset makeover.
Politicians — the ones who craft our laws and run our government — should be held to the highest standard of speech imaginable. Yet, we are constantly letting them get away with it every time. For a country who claims open disdain for almost all politicians, how are we so lax on keeping them accountable?
Adding green powder to your diet won’t instantly make you lose weight, and adopting a keto diet can take several months to see any progress. But influencers appear to have never looked better, often thanks to Photoshop, steroid use or medical treatments like Ozempic, which makes this whole weight loss phenomenon pretty misleading.
Just because Suicide Prevention Month is ending with September doesn’t mean we stop raising awareness. It doesn’t mean we stop checking in on our loved ones and how they’re really doing and encouraging them to seek professional help if needed, no matter how put-together their life seems.
The bottom line is that Heath Ledger’s character in “10 Things I Hate About You” doesn’t exist, and even if he did, he wouldn’t give up smoking and turn from his “bad-boy” ways just for you. And guess what? You don’t have to defend Kanye with your dying breath, because he doesn’t know you exist. Stop rewatching the proposal in the rain scene from the 2005 “Pride and Prejudice” movie, and go outside.
Republican Vice Presidential nominee JD Vance lauded former President Donald Trump’s continuing to golf after a second shooting attempt as “courage under fire,” while he brushed off the shooting in Georgia as a sad, unfortunate “fact of life.”
With the premiere of “Dancing With The Stars” on Sept. 17, fans of the show made “Anna Delvey’s Lackluster DWTS Debut” viral on X. They weren’t impressed, and neither were we. Why should a criminal fighting deportation from ICE be allowed to perform alongside Olympians and the newest Bachelorette?
His act of deception gained over 40 million views, baffling people with his transformation. “Nikocado Avocado” represents an interesting side of content creation. Many of his videos are designed as “rage-bait” — content meant to provoke anger or disgust.
After the shooting at a Georgia high school on Sept. 4 which left two students and two teachers dead, many Americans called for long-overdue reform in American schools.