Browsing: comfort zone

“Baylor bubble” is a phrase often used within the Baylor community. And while many students may roll their eyes or deny it exists, the reality is that there is one. By staying on the campus side of Interstate 35, many students like myself are robbing themselves of unique experiences for discovery and connection.

Remember, you’re the author of your own happiness. It’s no one else’s job to make your day more fun — only your own. So, if you find yourself growing to despise the humdrum of the daily grind, don’t let the negativity and boredom take over. Create a little game, task or challenge to keep yourself entertained.

For some, the idea of doing this in a completely new country can be too much. If you don’t want to travel to a new country but still want to do a study abroad program, Baylor has plenty of options for you.

It isn’t that spending time alone is wrong. Everyone needs to recharge. But when “recharging” becomes a go-to activity, we need a paradigm shift. Fulfillment comes through relationships and community; isolation compounds bad habits and leaves us more lonely than ever.

As you go through college, appreciate your comfort zone, but try to expand and step outside of it too. If something new comes around, don’t be afraid to say “yes” and go for it. While there is still the possibility that you won’t enjoy it, there is also the possibility that it will extend the span of your comfort zone. Who knows, maybe that “yes” will lead you to something that will entirely change your time at college for the better.