The Republican Party’s platform has lost its substance by only opposing and provoking the left. Conservatives, if they want to stay strong after Trump’s second term ends, will have to search for a platform that focuses on traditional, family values rather than purely opposing the left and “woke.”
Browsing: Opinion
Editorials and opinions from the Lariat staff and readers.
Baylor is commonly recognized as a Baptist university, but as the school has grown and modernized, many denominations have made their mark on it. With so many different viewpoints of Christianity surrounding students, it is important to remember the Lord’s original command for us to love each other.
Today, young audiences see heroines who are smart, strong, emotional and flawed. They are a reflection of real-life complexity. These characters remind us that strength looks different for everyone and that’s OK. They taught us to think critically, embrace individuality and stand up for what we believe in — lessons that stick with us long after the credits roll.
This is the dark side of public scrutiny, and it is especially disheartening to see female reporters drag down young women, fueling bullying and misogyny. Why would women perpetuate the harm they should be standing against?
The real issue is this: as political beliefs and systems are always changing, rooting morals completely in political affiliations can be an unstable ground.
While Baylor likes to advertise our Greek system as more morally upstanding than secular schools, they are only right to a degree. Yes, we have Phi Chi singing hymns during Sing. It’s a sweet sentiment, but we as a system have bigger fish to fry.
In a world where instant gratification is the norm, Lent helps serve as a reminder that we don’t need to succumb to every desire or craving. Giving up something you enjoy just for a short time will help strengthen your ability to make disciplined choices in several areas of life like work, relationships and personal goals.
Between Sabrina Carpenter, Tate McRae and Charli XCX, pop is dominating the charts right now. Even though the vocal chops of most pop singers in the mainstream media are unmatched, fans and listeners still seem to be disappointed when listening to live or acoustic performances.
Some women might even choose to not pursue a college career if they have a dream of being a mom and taking care of the home. This is not the path for everyone, just like being a doctor or pursuing any career is not for everyone. Women should be able to choose what is best for them without being viewed as dependent or old-fashioned.
I’ve grown up watching 2000s romantic comedies. One might say I’m a rom-com connoisseur. In honor of Women’s History Month, let’s rank the best female rom-com leads.
The cereal killer’s rise to power illustrates a flash of artistic, allegorical brilliance within the typically dull world of mythical Transylvanian blood-suckers.
Political cartoons have always been a bridge to express hot-button issues to all generations, not just retirement home rocking chairs. As culturally impactful commentary, it was a way to express free speech and create discussions – something most articles can’t do because they can’t be understood at just a mere glance.
While there are many excuses as to why individuals may not bother to look at international news such as being too busy, not finding it relevant or that is harder to find, the bottom line is that this is a trend that needs to change. It’s OK for not every news story to include the U.S. What’s more important is looking at news through a variety of perspectives — even if it means looking at perspectives outside of one’s own country.
Somewhere along the way, the word “feminist” got a bad reputation. It has been twisted into something extreme, something controversial — something people hesitate to label themselves. How many people have you heard say, “I’m not a feminist, but…” before voicing beliefs that align perfectly with feminist ideals? This just goes to show how misconstrued the word has become.
The polymath archetype is nothing new and has not gone anywhere. The arts, sciences and understanding of the human person dictate our collegiate and professional studies today, and in many cases produce scholars who fit the description. But who are these polymaths, and where can we find them?
And when you look at these photos, those split second pieces of life, you began to notice the little things. Everything, from the biggest celebrations to the intimacy of a quiet conversation becomes so much more detailed. The joy of a sports victory, the emotion and passion behind a protester’s chant, the tears at the edge of someone’s eyes when they speak of someone — everything is more alive, more human.
When a celebrity or public figure falls from grace, the path to redemption is rarely easy, nor is it the same for everyone. Some are forgiven overnight, with their scandals fading into irrelevance with time, while others find themselves banished no matter how much they atone. But who decides who gets a second chance, and why does justice in the public eye seem more about perception than genuine accountability?
We’re not trying to be buzzkills, but there has to be another way for our campus to bond that doesn’t include snide remarks made about others or airing out dirty laundry through a YikYak or a street interview. And we should be asking ourselves why it is that the times when our campus feels like it’s coming together the most — like Sing and Pigskin season — are often the times when we try to tear each other down more than usual.
All of that being said, it’s OK to wear athleisure. I find myself in it at least a few times a week. I fear that you all have forgotten that denim exists and that there is more to this world than this polyester and nylon hellscape.
This, in large part, is due to his mental health’s gradual decline since his 2016 bipolar diagnosis, worsened by his refusal to take medication, which he claims would stifle his creativity. While this certainly does not excuse his vile and racist statements, society should use Ye’s descent into madness as a warning of the drastic impact mental illness can have on one’s behavior when left untreated as opposed to just labeling him a racist.
The weight of the world is once again on Superman’s shoulders. With superhero fatigue and declining box office numbers, James Gunn’s “Superman” film has the chance to revive the superhero genre or sink it further into mediocrity.
Women are the common denominators in sexual misconduct cases like these. From Hollywood to government and even to Baylor, women become more than victims of a grotesque crime — they become symbols of strength. Their names matter infinitely more than their perpetrators’ do.
Around 25 million Americans are those you might notice gripping their armrests a little tighter than others when taking off or breaking a visible sweat when turbulence takes over. For years, this fear has been laughed off because as everyone knows, flying is the safest way to get from one place to another. Unfortunately, this fear of flying has become heightened and more validated than ever within a mere matter of months.
Next time you order a Roundup yearbook or pick up The Lariat to read about the Sing reviews, remember the students behind the work deserve just as much respect as you.
Over the last decade, more and more sports leagues have been programmed to try to drain every last dollar they can from their fans through multiple subscription services for games, high stadium prices or overpriced gear — or in this case, renaming every sports award, game or halftime show after companies and brands.
Unlike other historic, yet revolutionary discoveries and inventions – like fertilizer, air conditioning, or aviation – oil and gas has not been able to quietly age into an unsung hero of modern life. Instead, the industry and its nearly 11 million American workers have been villainized and rejected by the very people who reap the benefits of oil and gas.
As college students, we study for our exams and prepare for presentations. Next time you get lunch with a longtime friend, recall the previous conversation you shared. Is there anything you can draw from to strengthen this meeting? Just like an exam, you’ll see how much better things turn out if you prepare.
Many of us struggle with anxiety because we do not give ourselves time to breathe. When was the last time you took a day to yourself? When was the last time you spent your morning solely on journaling or working through a devotional? When was the last time you intentionally reflected on what areas of life you need growth in or what you’re most thankful for?
When describing overthinkers, their thought process can be compared to a scribble on a piece of paper, whereas lateral thinking follows a more direct path from A to B. The benefit of overthinking is how many observations and conclusions one can make when they aren’t thinking laterally. It’s truly a gift when overthinkers can pick up small details that others wouldn’t have thought of.
While tabling still needs attention-grabbing methods to attract new people, there is no need to yell, scream or rope people into conversation to do so. No one should leave Fountain Mall feeling as if they were ambushed, bamboozled or forced to have a conversation. Instead, recruiting efforts should be focused on attracting students through quality conversation, eye-catching graphics and students genuinely wanting to join.