Consider before you click: The negative effects of porn on our generation

Gwen Henry | Cartoonist

By The Editorial Board

Yes, we are talking about porn.

While many would like to keep the topic behind closed (bedroom) doors, the consumption of pornographic content is very common among our age bracket.

According to a 2019 study from the National Library of Medicine with statistics shared by Pornhub, the number of pornography users is steadily increasing, with most being young adults and more than 70% being men. Additionally, 60% of college students admitted to watching porn once a week.

Porn is now a $97,000,000,000 industry. With the rise of OnlyFans and similar platforms, pornographic content is more readily available, and there is a certain “fame” that comes with being a sex worker. But why is that so bad, and what are the long-term consequences?

According to JAMA Psychiatry, evidence shows porn consumption desensitizes the brain to sexual stimuli and negatively impacts personal relationships by setting unrealistic expectations of sex.

“In partnerships, a decrease in sexual satisfaction and a tendency to adopt pornographic scripts have been associated with frequent internet pornography consumption,” the article reads.

The study drew these conclusions after testing how porn consumption disrupts the frontostriatal network of the brain, which deals with motor, cognitive and behavioral functions. It found that porn consumption negatively impacts “functional connectivity” in that part of the brain, resulting in decreased sexual satisfaction and contributing to addiction.

If you are in a relationship, porn consumption will also take its toll on you and your partner. Among several negative impacts, viewership can cause difficulty becoming aroused, infidelity and feelings of sexual inadequacy and insecurity. While there is room for conversation around porn use while in a relationship, it will most likely drive a wedge, breaking trust and emotional closeness.

However, porn consumption affects much more than just your personal relationships and your brain.

According to a 2019 study from the Journal of Counselor Practice, porn consumption is linked to a rise in the human trafficking industry, as victims of human trafficking are often used in porn content. It is estimated that over 30 million people are enslaved by human traffickers, and the industry is the fastest-growing crime in the world.

An NBC2 News article highlighted many examples of victims of human trafficking being broadcasted over Pornhub. One such example of a 14-year-old girl was viewed by over 400,000 people on the site.

This isn’t something that is talked about, and there is no way to tell if the content you are watching is nonconsensual. By visiting the site, you are contributing to the demand for nonconsensual videos and fueling the sex trafficking industry — even if that’s not your intention.

It’s important to know these facts before searching for any explicit content. If you currently watch porn, take time to recognize how that click could have long-term effects on yourself and others. Stay informed about the material you choose to consume online.

Porn can be extremely addictive, and we recognize how difficult it can be to admit you have a problem and take the steps to address it proactively. If you are struggling, both the Baylor Counseling Center and the Beauchamp Addiction Recovery Center have resources available to help.