By Maggie Alexander | Social Media Editor
Gearing up for the first week of school can be a challenge for any student. After a lackadaisical summer off from studying, tests and quizzes, it can often be difficult for students to revamp their mindsets to be academically focused.
For many students, the first week is taken slowly and easily; however, the first week of school might just be the most important week of the year for the reasons listed below.
1. The first week of classes sets the tone for your routine for the rest of the year.
Whether it be waking up to your alarm, getting to class on time or navigating the campus parking garages, the first week of classes sets the example for the routine you will build for the rest of the semester. When you put into practice the routine you want to achieve, it is more likely to happen.
This is also a chance for students to see what works for them and what doesn’t, regarding how they spend their time throughout the day. According to Northwestern Medicine, a healthy routine can help with stress levels, mental health and anxiety.
2. First impressions matter.
“You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression,” Dr. James Uleman, a psychology professor at New York University, said.
Whether or not you allow yourself to judge someone else based on your first interaction, your subconscious mind is constantly making judgments and assessing the environment you are in. First impressions really do matter, and in the case of the first week of classes, you are making an impression on new professors, new classmates and potential new friends.
3. Where you sit on the first day of classes could be your assigned seat for the rest of the year.
The first week of classes is all about getting comfortable. That being said, the first day of classes is all about picking the right seat. Professors are famous for saying, “Where you are sitting now is where you will be sitting for the rest of the year.”
Choose your seat wisely. Sit somewhere you feel comfortable. Whether that be the front, back, sides or middle, sit where you feel like you will be most successful in the class.
4. Professors usually go over their syllabi in detail for the only time.
The first week of classes is vital for the academic success of students. This is the only time of the year during which professors go through their syllabi in detail. This time is insightful for students because they can hear professors’ expectations from their perspectives. This time also provides specific insights for class success, such as extra credit, late work policies and make-up exams. The class when a professor explains a syllabus is important not to miss.
It is time to hit the ground running. Don’t sleep on or through the first week of school. Use it to start your semester out strong.