Don’t take Baylor’s spiritual community for granted

By Libby Read | Contributor

With graduation approaching, I can’t help but think about what my faith environment will look like outside of the Baylor community. For the last four years, I have been surrounded by uplifting peers, inspiring professors and a strong church family. I feel as though this atmosphere is similar for a majority of students who come to Baylor, many of whom had not experienced what it’s like to be surrounded by so many strong Christians.

Friends that have graduated and moved away have told me that Baylor truly is a unique place. The rest of the world pales in comparison to the amount of spiritual authenticity that the Baylor community provides. Here you are encouraged to grow in your faith, to get out and love the Waco community and to continuously rely on God’s grace in all things. This type of spiritual support is hard to come by, and I fear that many Baylor students, myself included, take it for granted.

I recently started dating someone who does not live in a college community. It wasn’t until he visited me here and saw how many positive Christian influences I had around me that he voiced how fortunate I am. It then dawned on me that this is not promised in our post-college lives. Not only is this not a guarantee for us after we leave Waco, but finding peers who will journey alongside us in life and spur us on in our faith is something we will have to intentionally seek out.

As I prepare for graduation, a new job and a brand new community, I want to be equipped for the challenges that might hit my faith. College is an incredible opportunity to meet people that think differently than you. I have been challenged in countless ways in how I view Christ, His love for me and His mission for the Church. When we as students realize the unique opportunities that surround us on a daily basis, we might learn to cherish them all the more gladly.

If you are a freshman that just got to Baylor, soak up every ounce of these next four years. Talk to people, challenge your thinking and get as involved in the community as you can — it’s a special time and place to have so many high achieving people around you. If you are a senior or looking at graduating soon, ready yourselves. Baylor is a safe haven for those that need spiritual guidance and nourishment. We’ve been blessed to receive that guidance over the last few years, and now it’s our turn to take that with us into the world.

Libby is a senior human resource management major from La Grange.