Editorial: Prospective superintendent in sync with Waco’s needs

It’s not the numerous degrees and the doctorate, though those help. It isn’t the 23 years of experience, though they have prepared her. No. What makes Dr. Bonny Cain a commendable choice for Waco Independent School District’s next superintendent?

It’s the pure motivation that her life story tells. At the end of February, Cain, currently the superintendent of Pearland ISD could be offered the superintendent position rendered vacant after Dr. Roland Hernandez left the post for a position in the Corpus Christi school district.

His leave caused the board to begin searching for a new superintendent, and after more than 40 applications the board chose to delve into Cain’s past.

Members of Waco’s board requested interviews with numerous colleagues that Cain had accumulated over her 11 years as the superintendent in Pearland.

Cain has spent 23 years working in various capacities for the administration of Pearland ISD.

When the board didn’t renew her contract, she sought out a new place to utilize her passion for students. Cain said she felt the board definitely did not hold back during the visit to Pearland and she hoped it learned more about her from the interviews.

One of the board members, Angela Tekell, told the Lariat that the interviews cleared up all of the concern members originally held about the board’s choice not to renew Cain’s contract.

The new members of the Pearland board were looking for a “new direction” that didn’t include Cain. Tekell and Cain both said the choice was less personal and had more to do with individual personalities and preferences. Pearland’s choice is the best thing that could have happened to Waco ISD, and its future will be in good hands if the contract is extended to Cain.

Cain grew up in an underprivileged upbringing and will be able to connect with Waco students. Eighty-eight percent of the district’s students are classified as economically disadvantaged. Aside from understanding the importance of education, Cain will serve as a walking role model for all the students.

From underprivileged beginnings, Cain completed each degree with increasing fervora nd has fiery passion for teaching students. Cain will be leaving a consecutively “exemplary” school for Waco that has been ranked as academically unacceptable and then acceptable.

She plans to emphasize that while these state labels are not the end-all-be-all, they are extremely important for the morale of the students. Through the betterment of the athletics, fine arts and other extracurricular aspects, Cain plans to make the Waco schools a place students want to be. She wants students to be bitten by the education bug early on so they, at the earliest possible time, can begin to shape their adult lives.

The plan to amp up the schools to the exemplary level, while lofty, is necessary. The district needs someone with big goals, much experience and a proven track record. In Cain, the district will have that.

Waco citizens should see Cain’s move to the city as a chance to start fresh and strong.

New initiatives, hires and plans will be in the works at the start of Cain’s administration and this time of change will foster much success with collaboration and drive.

With Cain at the helm, Waco’s educational future has much to look forward to.