Editorial: Baylor, Stay classy as animosity with TCU grows

December5cartoon[3]Even with finals week and Christmas rapidly approaching, average Baylor fans have one thing on their minds: football.

College Football Playoff rankings have caused a whirlwind of debate and put Baylor and TCU in national conversation. The talk can be narrowed down to one question: if both teams win on Saturday, would Baylor’s victory over TCU be enough to earn a second Big 12 Title? Ironically, if both teams win on Saturday, the decision was made to name them co-champions despite the infamous Big 12 slogan ‘One true champion.’

Emotionally charged, Baylor Nation is in upheaval at the decision. Meanwhile, the average TCU fan mocks Baylor through social media, even forming a Twitter account called Baylor Tears.

The rivalry is alive and well on social media. Many TCU fans have revived the old hashtag #BaylorHateWeek that they used the week before the Baylor/TCU game. Of course, Baylor fans responded with the hashtag #PrayersforTCU. Which hashtag is classier is up for some debate.

No matter the outcome, this season has furthered the already-intense rivalry. The competition between the Horned Frogs and the Bears has deep roots. The teams first played against each other in 1899 – 16 years before the first UT vs. A&M game. While every Bear fan prefers Baylor be ranked higher than TCU, the unfortunate turn of events is only fanning the flame for what is becoming the most important college football rivalry in Texas.

In the history of Texas college football, the average household either sided with the Longhorns or Aggies. The rivalry ended in 2011 when A&M joined the SEC.

Now, Baylor and TCU have the opportunity to rise up and become the household teams. Win or lose, co-champions or one true champion, playoffs or not, Baylor has successfully fostered an intense rivalry. This rivalry is an opportunity for both schools to stay competitive in the Big 12 and NCAA for years to come.

All football games are about competition. However, emotionally charged rivalries seem to foster a higher level of excellence. If Baylor knows how good TCU is and has an intense desire to beat them, it will make them work harder in the offseason, recruitment and in practice before playing them next year.

The Bears will have even more incentive than usual to stay competitive with their rival.

This rivalry also provides Baylor fans with an opportunity: ignore the noise and stay classy. College GameDay will broadcast in Waco for the first time ever Saturday. Part of the GameDay tradition is fans making signs to display behind the broadcaster.

Fans should take this opportunity to focus on the positives about Baylor’s season, not on TCU.

Making signs that take digs at TCU will just bring them more attention and make the Baylor Nation seem bitter and classless.

Instead, focus on Baylor’s amazing season, elite seniors and show the nation that Baylor fans are good sports.