Browsing: National Pan-Hellenic Council

After being suspended for two years by the national headquarters for hazing allegations, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc will return to campus this spring, according to the national website of the sorority.

Greek Week, which begins Tuesday, is designed to bring sororities and fraternities on campus together for three nights of fun, service and worship.

Austin Hayes, coordinator of Greek life for fraternities, said the point of events is to bring the diverse Greek organizations together.

Anyone walking through Fountain Mall lately may have noticed the tall green fences blocking off a construction site wedged near the tennis courts and Marrs McLean Gymnasium. This weekend that barrier will vanish and observers can view Baylor’s National Pan-Hellenic Council Garden for the first time, a project four years in the making.

Baylor’s Xi Sigma chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity members, who serve as mentors to Waco youth, hope to expand their mentoring relationships by also having mentors of their own among Baylor faculty and staff.

Construction has been approved for a National Pan-Hellenic Council Garden that will offer recognition for the Greek organizations in the council and give them an opportunity to educate the Baylor community about their history.

This may be their first appearance on the stage of All-University Sing, but they hope it won’t be their last. Bridging the gap between Greek organizations on campus, National Pan-Hellenic Council partnered with Baylor Heavenly Voices Gospel Choir for their inaugural Sing performance last weekend.

Sing 2011 was filled with awesome sets, great themes and much improvement. We’ve made some observations on each of the acts. They aren’t meant to be rude — they’re meant to highlight the good and point out the areas that need improvement. Thanks to all the performers for their hard work. Our top three picks are Kappa Omega Tau, Alpha Tau Omega and Pi Beta Phi.