Browsing: McLennan Community College

The course is not discipline-specific, but “student-specific,” Senior Lecturer of biology and course instructor Tammy Adair said. Though the course is open for any student to register for, the Office of Engaged Learning sends out calls to professors for recommendations in order to select students with interests and ambitions that the course specifically tackles. Many of the students who take it are nominated.

After a hectic year of classes, many students take the opportunity to rest and recharge during the summer. While I understand wanting to take a break, I think students should be more open to taking summer classes. Taking summer classes helps you complete hours in a cheaper, more individualized way.

When going about campus on a busy day, it’s not uncommon to see a dog or two accompanying one of the many students rushing to get to their next class. While some of these dogs are simply pets, some of them serve their owners in more ways than just being ‘man’s best friend.’

“I think we need to stay on the track of not trying to force anything; I just hope that Christians aren’t trying to exactly replicate what’s happening in Asbury and that they’re trying to have their own mix and really trying to worship God in their own way,” Baker said.

Horror film enthusiasts, with scalpel in hand, will dissect the deeper meaning behind all the blood and gore that is the horror genre during the fourth annual Dark Mirror horror film festival.

The screenings will begin at 1 p.m. Friday in the McLennan Community College Lecture Hall Building and horror movie experts will introduce each picture.

Watergate scandal reporter Bob Woodward imparted his knowledge on presidents, politics and reporting at a live interview at McLennan Community College Tuesday night.

Woodward is most known for breaking the Watergate scandal in 1972 alongside fellow reporter Carl Bernstein, as well as writing 17 nonfiction bestsellers.

New ways to get involved in the Waco community, and even a chance to win a free iPad, are just a few things Passport To Waco has to offer.

The program is organized by External Vice President Lexington Holt, who wanted to get Baylor students more involved in the area outside of Baylor.

“A major part of being in a community is being involved in it, and that’s what I hope this program does for students,” Holt said.

Four years of planning for the Baylor Bound program culminated Monday as Baylor President Ken Starr and Dr. Johnette McKown, McLennan Community College President, signed the program into existence.

“Baylor’s partnership is critical to McLennan and to the people in McLennan County,” McKown said. “Our Board of Trustees and I really value our longstanding relationship and we look forward to even a closer and better relationship as we go forward. We also know that the future and quality of our community and state are dependent on just these kind of allowances and we know that our students will be successful because of that.”

College tuition inflation rates historically increase two times faster than the inflation rate of the dollar, according to Simple Tuition Services 2013. With rates such as these, students may struggle to pay for college.

Baylor’s tuition was $18,430 a year with fees in 2003, and in 2008, the tuition was, with fees, $26,234. Baylor University’s current tuition is roughly $36,137 per semester, with estimated fees attached. Some simply cannot afford to pay.

I had the pleasure of seeing the last performance of McLennan Community College Theater’s production of “Hairspray” on Sunday afternoon in the Ball Performing Arts Center on the MCC campus.

The play was directed by MCC theater director and choreographer Jerry MacLauchlin.

It is no secret that this play is probably one of the most well known since Adam Shankman remade the film, which came out in 2007. “Hairspray,” set in 1962 Baltimore, Md., is about a plump girl (Tracy Turnblad) who makes it on to a local dance show and becomes an instant celebrity. She soon makes it her mission to integrate the show and win the show’s pageant contest. The musical is a social commentary on race relations during the height of the Civil Rights Movement.

The spring semester is full of musical entertainment and diversions at Baylor, just as it is at McLennan Community College.

The MCC Theater will put on a reproduction of the Broadway hit “Hairspray” in the Ball Performing Arts Center located on the MCC campus at 7:30 tonight and Saturday.

Some students are spending time on two different campuses this semester as part of The Baylor@MCC Program, a co-enrollment initiative that was implemented this fall.

The program, which allows students who were wait-listed at Baylor the opportunity to attend both Baylor and McLennan Community College, currently has more than 45 students enrolled and expects to grow in the next few years.

“I like to read poetry, and I especially love to write it,” Amanda Hixson said. “I knew there were other writers out here in Waco like me, and I wanted to give them the opportunity to express themselves openly.”

More than 120 people celebrated Halloween this weekend by attending The Dark Mirror, a horror film festival hosted by Matt Cardin, horror writer and McLennan Community College Writing Center Instructor, and Dr. Jim Kendrick, associate professor of Baylor’s film and digital media.

Baylor President Ken Starr will sign an agreement today to approve the creation of a program allowing a small group of students to jointly enroll at Baylor and McLennan Community College with the opportunity to graduate with a Baylor degree.