Browsing: comfort

While Fabled is obviously much smaller than Barnes & Noble, I think it has many qualities that make it more desirable to go to than the well-known bookstore. I would encourage people to forget about Barnes & Noble and support the local Fabled Bookshop & Cafe instead.

Our desire for independence has become self-destructive. Life has become a game where whoever holds out the longest before asking for help is the winner. But what do they win? It’s time to change the rules of the game. We win by admitting our weaknesses and allowing those who love us to fill in the gaps.

As you go through college, appreciate your comfort zone, but try to expand and step outside of it too. If something new comes around, don’t be afraid to say “yes” and go for it. While there is still the possibility that you won’t enjoy it, there is also the possibility that it will extend the span of your comfort zone. Who knows, maybe that “yes” will lead you to something that will entirely change your time at college for the better.

Your time at Baylor will teach you many things. You’ll leave with a degree and a load of wisdom you never knew you didn’t have when you first arrived. Let one of those lessons be this — being on your own to a certain degree is a part of life. Independence is a good thing, necessary even, and doesn’t have to be a lonely feeling.

Flying in an airplane these days is a major hassle and relief is not on its way.

Major United States airline companies are removing old, hefty seats in airplane models and replacing them with slimline model seats that will take up less space from front to back.