By Kenneth Prabhakar | Photo Editor
Calling your parents and loved ones back is one of those small things that every college student can get better at. I’ll admit that it feels almost hypocritical to write this article because this is something I seem to have always struggled with.
However, as my last semester of college is about to begin, reflecting on where all the time has gone has opened my eyes to what is possibly one of my biggest regrets of college.
It is so easy to get caught up in your own world once you step foot on campus. Suddenly, your life back at home seems like a whole different world — a world where you’re not responsible for your normal duties because you’re not there physically.
With school, work and the reunion of your college friends, life hits you quickly when you return to college. Things move faster than they do at home. It almost makes sense why it is so hard to call home. However, there is no excuse for neglecting the people who love you.
Whether it is family, friends or whoever else you call your support system, it never hurts to give the people you love a call. The harshest reality that three years of college has taught me is that your loved ones age just as quickly as you do. As a kid, you may have overlooked your parents’ aging because it appeared much slower than how you aged through your childhood. However, while spending time away from them, you begin to realize they are aging and always have been. They spent all of your life looking after you and putting your needs before theirs. It only takes one call to make their day. One call can remind them that you are alive and well and put all of their anxiety to rest.
Calling your loved ones is a two-way street. They want to know how you are doing and what is going on in your life. Call them back with that same energy. Learn about what is going on in their lives and everything you are missing while you are away from home.
Learn to treasure all your moments with them because, after college, the windows of when you get to see them are going to get progressively smaller. It is never too late to get close to your loved ones; start by calling them today.