Four tips for turning stuffy living space into decluttered paradise

Photo illustration by Olivia Havre | Photographer

By Erianne Lewis | Arts and Life Editor

Clutter and accumulation are issues many people often run into because as college students —let’s be real—cleaning your room can sometimes be the last thing on your list. With classes, work, friends, clubs and organizations, something is constantly drawing our attention and energy. So, to help solve this issue, I’ve compiled a list of a few tips that will hopefully fit into our busy schedules.

1. Clear clutter as it happens

I’ve found this step to be very helpful because cleaning up small things consistently is easier to me then attempting to clean all at once. Throw away that bottle of soda or energy drink after you finish drinking them. This will prevent them from forming a family of drinks beside your bed.

2. Get rid of items you are not consistently using

This step is especially hard for me, because I tend to form connections to items I am given or that I purchase. It can be hard to let go of that friendship bracelet someone made you at summer camp in fifth grade. Trust me, I know. This also applies to that shirt or those pants in your closet you promised yourself years ago you would wear again. If you have no plans of actually wearing it anytime soon, you must let it go. Maybe in junk heaven it will be reunited with other things that were held on to past its use date.

3. Make sure you aren’t overbuying

This step goes hand-in-hand with throwing/ giving away items that you don’t use regularly. Overbuying is a problem that many people probably don’t even realize they have. A special sale or a trendy new must-have item can easily lure someone into purchasing something they don’t need. Growing up, I was always told that if you couldn’t name at least five times you would wear it, then you don’t need it. To be fair, I don’t always follow this because I do value the importance of statement pieces. However, you have to be realistic with yourself. If you are buying something just because you hope to find somewhere to wear it, will you actually wear it? Marie Kondo discussed this really well in her show “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” on Netflix. Kondo often asked viewers if an item “sparks joy” for them. If the answer is no, then you must let it go.

4. Figure out a specific place for each item in your room

This tip is important because having a special location for each of your belongings allows you to maintain your space better. It is also important that when you take something out of its designated space, you must place it back after use. Keeping up with this is a key part of preventing random things from being sprawled out and causing clutter.

One of the most important things to remember is that consistency is key. Remembering to implement some of these steps will ease the issues of clutter and accumulation in your home. Your space should be somewhere that is seen as a haven or place of comfort. Don’t allow clutter to prevent you from experiencing ease at home.