Feelings change, so can your major

By Kenneth Prabhakar | Photographer

The greatest disservice one could do to themselves is working a job that doesn’t interest them in the slightest. Money drives everything, and it is the sole reason why so many people are willing to work against their own happiness.

Everybody has their own priorities and is entitled to do what they want. In no way am I saying working for money is a bad thing. I am honestly in support of it; however, I am trying to push that whatever career you end up working should bring you satisfaction.

Your job shouldn’t be something you dread going to every single morning — that is simply no way to lead your life. Life is too short to be doing something that doesn’t make you happy for the majority of your adult life.

I had no idea what I wanted to do when I was applying to college. I somehow convinced myself I could be a doctor since it was a straight pipeline to a life of luxury. Two months into my time at Baylor, and that pipeline was starting to look like an uphill battle with an end nowhere in sight. Baylor is notorious for this reputation of freshmen dropping the pre-med program and adding themselves to the list of young adults who are searching for meaning in their life.

Callings are real, and I am convinced that all pre-med students who finish the program were meant to finish the program. It seems like they are chasing their passion and not money. Passion will always overtake hardship, and it is a driving force that keeps people going despite what is going on in their lives.

Figuring out what you want to do for the rest of your life is one of the hardest and most influential choices you will make. When it’s time to apply for colleges and you are selecting your major, I want to believe that everybody has a moment of hesitation — a moment of self-realization that feels like sealing your fate.

Life is always changing. You aren’t the same person you were when you applied to college. Feelings change faster than you know.

If what you are studying isn’t bringing you any sort of satisfaction, why would you choose to enter that industry and carry that misery into the rest of your life? Don’t settle for a career that makes you trade your well-being for money.

No matter how far you are into your education, ask yourself, “Is this really what I want to be doing for the rest of my life?” If the answer is yes, then keep doing what you are doing. If the answer is no — or even if there is hesitation in your answer — then maybe it’s time to rethink your major.

It is never too late to pursue your dreams. What feels like the biggest risk might just be the greatest choice you will ever make for yourself. On the chance that things don’t work your way, at least you can say you tried, which is better than so many people who are caught up in a life they hate.