Be aware of the sexual health resources available at Baylor

Ashley Brooke Boyd | Cartoonist

Yes, Baylor is a private “unapologetically Christian” institution, and yes, Baylor’s doctrine says sexual intimacy is to be expressed in the context of marital fidelity. Because of this, many students often assume that Baylor doesn’t have any sexual health resources available. Don’t get caught up in all the talk and simply assume Baylor doesn’t offer these things because of its Christian status. If you just do a little bit of research you will find this is not the case.

The health center does in fact offer STI testing, birth control consultation and well women’s exams. As a general rule, women should have at least one trip to the gynecologist a year. According to Planned Parenthood, it is important to get tested if you have had unprotected sex or if your partner becomes diagnosed with an STI. Additionally, if you have regular sex, but do not have symptoms of an STI, it is safe to get tested once or twice a year.

We should be aware that these services exist and are available to all students right here on campus. Baylor does not ignore the fact that many of their students, married or not, do have sex.

For those who may think this goes against Baylor being a Christian school, other Christian-affiliated universities, such as Liberty and Pepperdine, offer the same services in their health centers. It is important to know what health resources are available to us at Baylor, as most of us do not have our own doctors in Waco.

No, Baylor does not offer free contraception in residence halls as many non-Christian schools do, but they are not ignoring or depriving students of sexual health resources and consultation.

To schedule an appointment at the Baylor Health Center or get more information about services offered, click here. Regular well women’s exams are available between 9 and 11 a.m. Monday through Friday, and for a more urgent appointment you can book under “Women’s Health Concern- Same Day” or “Urgent Care Appointment” after 6 p.m. the night before you want your appointment.