Viewpoint: Politics may annoy, but its importance is undeniable nowadays

By Danny Huizinga

We tend to complain a lot about politics. There is an incredible amount of pessimism that persists in every discussion. We perceive Congress and our government to be a constant source of pointless bickering, trickery and sycophancy. To a point, we may be right. Sometimes, however, I think those in public service deserve more credit.

At present, we are in the midst of a dismal period of our faith in government. Americans are expressing less confidence in Congress than ever before, Gallup reported this summer.

The problem with these sentiments is that they form an easy justification for political disinterest. After all, why bother getting involved in changing our political systems if they are inherently corrupt? When we accept this tempting mindset, we only succeed in fulfilling our fears.

Most people don’t like talking about political issues because “they make people angry.”

While that may be true, the only way to achieve clarity and promote peaceful understanding is to keep having these discussions. Last year, when I began writing a political column for the Lariat, I suggested, “Instead of running from controversy, we should allow it to challenge us and encourage our critical thinking.”

That still holds true today. This year will be a busy one for politics. Tax reform is coming up soon, the immigration debate is still unresolved and another government shutdown is looming amid the coming fiscal debate.

In Texas, we will soon be bombarded with campaign ads, especially for the governor’s race.

My advice? Don’t let it overwhelm you.

Read the news to keep up with what is going on in the world, and recognize the importance of a well-informed society.

When most people think of Washington, D.C., they think of corruption and arrogance. While both are definitely present, I have witnessed firsthand the shocking number of people who truly care about our country and are working hard to accurately and energetically represent the voices of their supporters.

Underneath all of the arguments and soundbites, there is a collective understanding of something never before tried, a new experiment in government that has shattered expectations and improved the quality of life for millions of people in ways we never could have imagined. We strive always to do better. Throughout the many trials of our past, we have endured.

I have a great deal of hope for the future of our country, and I hope to share some of that with you as I continue to write weekly about politics and current events for the Lariat this year.

Danny Huizinga is a sophomore Baylor Business Fellow from Chicago. Follow him at @HuizingaDanny on Twitter.