Browsing: pre-med

“Any kind of medical volunteering is very highly considered by medical schools, especially if you’re investing so much time,” Selkin said. “A week may not seem like a long time, but you are investing a week of your summer to go to a foreign country, probably somewhere that you’ve never been before, maybe a language that you don’t speak. That is a great chance to talk about cultural immersion and diversity. It’s a great opportunity to expand not only what you know but to see what else is out there.”

Since switching career paths after nearly a full year’s worth of mental breakdowns, I quickly realized that many people still believe the stigma of liberal arts degrees being a waste of time and money, implying that there is little to no return on the investment. However, research and statistics disprove that claim, with liberal arts degrees being shown to provide both wealth and invaluable preparation for the ever-changing job market.

This works for other tasks, like cleaning or anything similarly tedious. And if you’re a complete clown like me that ends up scrolling on my phone when I’m supposed to be working, bring a STEM major friend. They don’t mess around about studying.