With a little ingenuity and some dedication, it’s easy to transform your dorm or apartment into a festive space without spending much. Grab a cup of hot cocoa, turn on your favorite holiday playlist and start decking the halls.
Browsing: DIY
While a Maker’s Edge membership is currently $89 per month, they have a student discount that brings it down to $60. In collaboration, Moody Makerspace also offers one free pass a semester for students to use at Maker’s Edge.
Between longhorn photos and ‘live, laugh, love’ welcome mats, room decor has become more generic over the years. While it’s convenient to take a trip to Target and grab the first five things you see in the “Magnolia” section, do your Pinterest board justice and aim for something more original.
The holiday season is upon us. Your residence hall or small apartment might be feeling drab, but the cost of decorating means your budget feels limited to a Charlie Brown Christmas. Here’s how to decorate without breaking the bank.
Gift your friends and loved ones an easy stovetop potpourri for the holidays.
When selecting costumes, it should go without saying that you shouldn’t dress as something overtly offensive or insensitive — this means not dressing as serial killers or donning blackface. If you have to question whether your costume is OK, then it probably isn’t.
When I saw this necklace on Etsy, I immediately wanted one, but I was not going to pay $75 no matter how much it was calling my name. So I Googled the name hoping to find some instructions on how to make one for myself. I found a YouTube video with step-by-step instructions. The YouTube video explains this DIY the best, but I’ve tried my best to write out the steps and include what I did differently.