Browsing: memories

The show itself is only the tip of the iceberg. What it took to get to the top of that mountain is the real story — and the one that nobody sees. If you do it right, your soul is connected to your act in the end, and it should be.

Take the time to sit back and ponder what college life has done for you. Whether your graduation is four months away or four years away, take a step back, breathe and allow everything to set in. Don’t let your last semester take you by surprise one day.

It’s natural to be stubborn when you’ve had an opinion for a long time. That being said, I implore nonreligious students to at least try a more in-depth religious course. You could truly learn new things and see the world from a different point of view.

So, my friends, I encourage you to post that blurry picture of your friends laughing, or even the one where no one is looking at the camera because they’re having a great time with each other. It’ll be the best thing to look back on.

Picture this: You’re in a Zoom meeting with an adviser trying to figure out what to study in college, suddenly realizing that this one small and seemingly insignificant decision might make or break the next 50 years of your life. Wait — that’s actually how it felt, wasn’t it? Being forced to choose your major before having 20 years of life experience under your belt is scary, but it doesn’t have to be the end all, be all.

Writing letters to yourself, while it might sound silly, is a way of documenting moments and creating a time capsule of sorts. By writing letters, you talk about your present circumstances and are able to reflect on what you would like yourself to remember or know in the future. You are able to learn more about yourself, process and reevaluate what is truly important in your life.

So, was it unbearably hot? Absolutely. Did I wait for three hours? You bet. Was it worth it? Without a doubt. The Baylor Line is not just about running to hype up the football team; it’s about camaraderie, tradition and the unforgettable memories and friends you make along the way.

Baylor events, in my experience, have the tendency to be dismissed as hot, loud and overcrowded gatherings that will in no way add to one’s Baylor experience. While all of these descriptions can make school events seem less appealing, I think attending them significantly adds to the Baylor experience.