Browsing: internships

The idea of summer being this beautiful time of year for a break is just not reality. Summer is a sweaty and preoccupied time. This is not to say that I have never had fun during the summer, because I have. I am just pointing out that it is not all it is talked up to be and that there are better seasons in the year.

If you don’t have a job or summer internship — or if you haven’t even declared your major — it’s OK. If you have no idea what you want to do yet, that’s OK too. Where you start in college and directly after is just a stepping stone to where you’ll end up.

Baylor Libraries is calling all students with a background and interest in the arts, history, political science, religion and museums to stay in Waco this summer and learn to handle archival material and primary sources. Applications close Thursday and can be found on the Baylor Libraries website.

Especially at a rigorous school like Baylor, it’s easy to constantly compare yourself to your peers. Maybe you feel like you shouldn’t speak up in class because you think your ideas aren’t good enough. Perhaps you pass up applying for cool opportunities because you think your resume isn’t competitive. But the reality is that you have just as much to contribute as anyone else. Be confident in your own abilities, and know that there is a reason why you are exactly where you are.

For some, the idea of doing this in a completely new country can be too much. If you don’t want to travel to a new country but still want to do a study abroad program, Baylor has plenty of options for you.

College is ridiculously expensive, and it’s impossible for students who aren’t sitting upon piles of cash to spend their time outside of class dedicated to something that doesn’t offer anything in return. Experience just isn’t enough anymore.

Jobs — we all need them. Whether we like it or not, we all need a way to make money. No matter your background, most students need to get jobs, whether it’s an internship, a work-study job or a temporary job to just help bring in some cash.

As the season for students beginning to look for summer internships is in full swing, unpaid internships have become more common.
Heather Wheeler, the assistant director of internships, said the majority of internships are unpaid but are good for networking.