Browsing: Career center

Often when students decide what to major in, there’s pressure that it will dictate what you do for the rest of your life. That’s a myth. Whatever you choose to major in should be a topic that interests you and a topic that you will be able to excel in.

With more than 120 different employers in attendance, All-University Career Day is expanding to two different buildings this semester. The Career Center is hosting its event from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. Wednesday in Cashion Academic Center and the Bill Daniel Student Center, giving students an early chance to get in front of employers for jobs and internships.

After three years on Baylor’s campus, I feel like I know the place inside and out. One thing I’ve learned is that this university offers a lot to its undergraduate students. Whether you are looking for academic, emotional, mental or physical support, it’s more than likely that Baylor has a resource perfectly designed to provide that support and improve your life on campus.