By Kalena Reynolds | Staff Writer
The arts scene in Waco continues to bloom as at 7 p.m. on Jan. 24 at The Performing Arts Community Center (PACC), the Waco Independent Film Festival will host the 254 Creatives Mixer to unify writers, actors, directors, streamers, musicians and artists of all kinds.
“It’s a very eclectic mix, and we’re just excited to bring these folks together again because one of the fun things is there’s an opportunity. It’s an opportunity to reconnect with those friends, but it’s also an opportunity to meet new people,” said Louis Hunter, operation director for the Waco Independent Film Festival,
Hunter said that the mixer has RSVPs from artists, directors and actors. KWBU, along with other media and streamers, will be there, he said.
“I think it really is an important part of the creative ecosystem of Waco because not only are you meeting folks that are interested in film, you are meeting folks that are musicians, they’re actors,” Hunter said.
According to Hunter, Waco Indie first hosted the event in 2022 with around 20 attendees. Since then, the event has grown, and attendance surpassed 100 people at the previous year’s event.
In addition to networking, the event will also spotlight a multitude of local small businesses that will be in attendance for advertisement purposes and to integrate themselves within the community of Waco, such as Texas Music Cafe and Rogue Media Network, Hunter said.
“You may end up coming saying, ‘Oh, I’m interested in finding someone to collaborate on a film,'” Hunter said. “But at the same time, you might meet a podcaster who does a podcast about movie-making or does a podcast about “King of the Hill” of all things; you’d be able to collaborate, meet with them, and say, ‘Hey, let’s, let’s get us on the schedule to talk about this.'”
The Performing Arts Community Center’s Founder, David Corkill, said that in addition to networking, the center will also be a place for people to discover new events around the city and future creative happenings around Waco.
“It’s going to be just a time where creators can come together and talk together and find collaborators, and find people to work with or work for, or just know what’s all going on in and around Waco in the creative realm,” Corkill said.
The purpose of the 254 Creative Mixer aligns with Corkhill’s overall vision for The PACC, ultimately fostering community while highlighting the importance of meeting other creatives, he said.
“The very purpose of this event is kind of one of the main reasons why I decided to start The PACC,” Corkhill said. “When I saw how much [Waco] had grown and how many performing arts groups had popped up in the intervening time since I’d been gone, those groups needed a place to rehearse, a place to perform. And so I wanted to make one for them, and all these groups have just come out of the woodwork.”
This event will be free and open to the public. The address for the PACC is 924 Austin Ave, Suite 150. Free drinks and charcuterie will also be provided. Guests must RSVP on the website or event Facebook Page to attend.