Holiday How-To: Get into the holiday spirit before December

Holiday movies, treats and decorations are the best way to get into the spirit. Katy Mae Turner | Photographer

By Caitlyn Meisner | Staff Writer

As we approach the the holiday season and the end of the semester, we need to focus a little more time on the festivities — after all, this only happens once a year.

Here is a how-to guide to prepare for the holiday season while you finish off the fall semester.

Start listening to holiday music now

Although I prefer to celebrate Christmas after Thanksgiving (like the calendar says to) I think there is something special about this time of year, so we should embrace it.

I’ve celebrated Christmas my entire life, so I have built up my Spotify playlist of songs quite a bit as the years go by. I don’t have many decorations in my apartment, so I need something else to put me into the holiday spirit as I prepare for finals.

The way I think about it is like preparing for a concert. Before you go see an artist, you’re likely streaming all of their songs to ingrain into your brain so you don’t embarrass yourself by not knowing their music.

You can do this passively while walking to class, waiting in the Starbucks line or doing your homework in the evenings. This way, you’re absorbing the holiday spirit without even knowing it.

Get your holiday-inspired Spotify playlist up-and-running now before it gets too late; this season is such a precious time, so utilize it with your music choices.

Bake some holiday-themed goodies

A great way to get into the holiday spirit is to bake some of your favorite treats with your friends. It’s helped with my homesickness since coming to college.

My favorite things to bake are banana bread and chocolate chip cookies. These desserts remind me of Christmas Eve when my mom is crazily baking to prepare for the next day or randomly making it on a Sunday in November.

Reflect back on the things your parents usually brew up in the kitchen around the holidays, and try to recreate it this year with your friends and roommates. Now you can make new memories with your college friends, sharing a piece of home with them.

It’s simple and cost-effective; pick up a few of the ingredients on your next grocery trip and let yourself enjoy something nostalgic.

Watch holiday movies

Even though a substantial amount of free time is few and far between, we can all find ways to spend it wisely, especially with our favorite holiday movies.

There are so many to choose from; whether it’s a debated one like Die Hard” or a Christmas classic like “It’s a Wonderful Life,” you’re never short on options.

As you count down the days until Christmas, you can make a plan with your roommates or with yourself to watch a movie a day or put it on in the background while cooking dinner or baking your favorite holiday treat. It’s an easy, effective way to involve yourself in the holidays without stressing yourself out.

Even though we’re college students away from home, we can still participate in the festivities we know and love.