By Avery Ballmann | Staff Writer
Disclaimer: These homemade sleds are use at your own risk — I am not a professional sled maker.
If you’ve looked out your window recently you can see Texas’ version of snow: hard, crunchy ice that is perfect for sledding. The only problem is not many Texans have a snow sled handy. However, if you look around, some household items could be used for your new downhill adventure. Here are a few ways you can have a make-shift sled from common items in your dorm or apartment.
1. Yoga mat
I know a lot of us yoga enthusiasts purchased a yoga mat at the beginning of the semester and promised ourselves that we would practice downward dog and be more relaxed and at one with ourselves. I know from personal experience that my yoga mat sits in the corner of my room mocking me because I only went to one yoga class. Here is your chance to redeem yourself and get some use out of that mat.
2. Cookie sheet
We all have that one cookie sheet that has seen every cooking disaster you have ever made. Now, you can take it to the slopes so it can see another potential disaster orchestrated by you. The cookie sheet is great in theory, but it’s a risky choice. With nothing much to grab on to, this option might be less safe, but it will go extremely fast. If you like to live life on the edge, I’d choose the cookie sheet for your sledding adventure.
3. Lid from a plastic storage container
I know we all used these storage containers to move in. The lid is the same idea as the cookie sheet but it is bigger and less expensive if it breaks. Just take the lid from the back of your closet and see how many people you can fit on it. For extra fun try taking the entire tub out to the snow.
4. Boogie board/inner tube
The boogie board and inner tube might be a more common item that Texans have. If you’ve ever been to Galveston and Corpus Christi these items are essential. Well, instead of waves these items are also suitable for snow. These are easier to steer and most people are comfortable using these. Make sure to dust off the sand and just pretend the snow is waves.
5. Build your own
If you really want to get crafty on this gloomy day you can make your own sled. All you need is a cardboard box, duct tape, scissors and a garbage bag. This article has a step-by-step tutorial of how to DIY the sled.
This is a great way to reuse and recycle items that are neglected. Stay safe out there, and happy sledding.