Browsing: Rae Jefferson

Some of the Lariat staff responded to the question, “How do you deal with stress during finals week?” Their answers range from finding every distraction possible to just curling up in the fetal position. We’re going to need more Kleenex.

The kind of turmoil, which is not as widespread as the media would have us believe, that erupted in Baltimore on Monday is becoming a disturbing habit in the wake of black deaths at the hands of U.S. police officers.

One of the most pressing tasks on my todo list is to finish my basic courses at a local community college this summer. I’m under pressure because the university stops accepting transfer credits during a student’s final 30 hours at Baylor.

The 62-year-long tradition of All-University Sing came to a close Saturday night, and the winners were announced following the nearly four hour show. First place was awarded to Phi Kappa Chi, second place went to Kappa Omega Tau and third place was given to Pi Beta Phi.

Long story short, I took the class, got a heck of a lot better at running, and now I actually enjoy the activity. It showed me that I was more than capable of training for something and seeing myself improve over time, and it was much more of as stress reliever that I thought it would be.

Golf carts are the holy grail of campus transportation. If you had asked me what I thought of the four-wheeled vehicles this time last year, I probably would have ranked them lower than first-time long boarders on the “sidewalk inconvenience” scale.

The Waco Hippodrome Grand Opening Celebration will take place over six days from Nov. 14 to Nov. 19, and will feature events that cater to diverse audiences. Tickets for the grand opening will be available Monday, and can be purchased from the box office at 254 296-9000.

We see some pretty interesting things, and I think everyone should know that we see you picking your wedgies and tripping over the curb. Just call us the Big Brother of Fourth Street, and check out this list of things we see out of our telltale windows.