Students were eager to explore their options at the Study Abroad Fair on Tuesday during Dr Pepper Hour in the Bill Daniel Student Center, where representatives showcased a variety of international programs designed to broaden academic and cultural horizons. The event provided attendees with information on destinations, scholarships and immersive experiences, and it encouraged students to take their education beyond the classroom.
Browsing: Dr Pepper Hour
The Center for Global Engagement hosted its Study Abroad Fair during Dr Pepper Hour on Tuesday, ahead of the Oct. 1 deadline for winter programs.
This is the one time in our lives when it’s OK — and, in fact, expected — to be selfish. No one is dependent on us. We’re just here, trying to figure out what career we want to pursue for the next several decades while simultaneously learning how to sort laundry, pay rent and cook anything other than bagels or ramen. It’s about growth. It’s about self-discovery. It’s about independence.
“One in 10 students are registered with OALA. Doing this event with the Student Government can help bring people together and move forward as a student body,” Colihan said. “I really feel like we can use this union to both of our advantages by furthering Student Government, while promoting accessibility for all.”
The Center for Global Engagement made the fair the one stop students need to make in order to move forward in the application process. The fair included the program booths, an information session and study abroad advising all in one place.
By Emma King, staff writer Since 1953, Dr Pepper Hour has been a Baylor tradition, pairing the university’s favorite soda…
Dr Pepper Hour is officially 60 years old.
Students celebrated the 60th anniversary of Dr Pepper Hour Jan. 15. Students, faculty and staff had the opportunity to gather together under a glowing Dr Pepper Hour banner and share memories of the beloved soft drink.
Dr Pepper will remain the official soft drink of the Baylor Bears through August 2015 as the result of an agreement between the university and Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc.
Fifteen months after losing his bid for re-election to the U.S. House of Representatives, former Rep. Chet Edwards is not finished bringing attention to the issues on which he staked his political career.
Former U.S. House Rep. Chet Edwards stopped by Dr Pepper Hour Tuesday to introduce himself to students during his first week as a part-time lecturer and distinguished chair of public service at Baylor.
President Ken Starr hosted the final Dr Pepper Hour of the year Tuesday, greeting students with hugs and handshakes.
Few things define Waco as much as Dr Pepper does. It has been a staple in Waco since its creation where the drink was created in the 1880s.
In celebration of Earth Week, Baylor sustainability has dedicated the first three days of this week to educating the university about leading a sustainable life.
The residence halls are competing in an energy conservation tournament that began on March 21 and ends May 1.
The celebration of Black History Month continues at 3 p.m. today in the Barfield Drawing Room of the Bill Daniel Student Center during Dr Pepper Hour. Come enjoy a Dr Pepper float and stop by an organization’s table to learn more about that organization’s history and dynamic efforts in the African-American community.