This album a great finale to work of the late Mac Miller. His experimental sounds and vulnerability within his lyrics create a safe place. Miller’s innovative taste and drive to create something different gives me hope for the future of music. After listening to the same three albums for the past six months, I’m happy to say I have a fourth one in the rotation.
Browsing: death
With Halloween right around the corner, other holidays that occur during this season are not often in the spotlight. The day after Halloween marks the celebration of one of these holidays — Dia de los Muertos.
Grief does not have to look like a bear going into hibernation for the winter or like a car crashing in slow motion — scenes in which an individual gradually self-destructs. It can, instead, manifest itself in numerous positive ways.
Thinking before you drink and drive is vital. Before going out, come up with a plan. Have a rotation for designated drivers, or use rideshare apps like Uber. If the trip home is walkable, then travel with a big group.
The idea of eternal punishment insinuates the notion that it’s not possible to grow past your mistakes. What makes the most sense based on this interpretation is purgatory — a temporary place for purification.
It’s natural to be stubborn when you’ve had an opinion for a long time. That being said, I implore nonreligious students to at least try a more in-depth religious course. You could truly learn new things and see the world from a different point of view.
This is not something that can or should be reduced to a single repost in support of Israel or in support of Palestine. People are dying. Violence is ongoing. Having tunnel-vision on one opinion or another and making this about taking sides is insensitive. Violence to this extent is wrong, no matter what.
Knowing this doesn’t magically solve your problems, and it certainly doesn’t make life any easier. The struggles you face will be present regardless of this knowledge. But “life sucks, and then you die” can serve as a reminder that you’ve been here before, you will be here again, and, despite that, you’re still standing.
Following Jesus, then, isn’t just a call to go to church on Easter or keep a Bible on a bookshelf. It’s a call to become like Him. To think how He thought, to live like He lived, to treat others in light of His sacrifice for them.
So, scrap the excuses. No, the flu shot doesn’t infect you with an active virus. And no, just because you happened to get the flu after getting the flu shot when you were 11 years old doesn’t mean it’s completely ineffective. A lot of myths circulate on the topic. Don’t jump on the uninformed bandwagon just because it gives you a one-way ticket away from a needle.
If you are grieving and struggling to process, don’t seclude yourself. Let others in. Help yourself unpack the events that have happened, whether they occurred years ago or recently. Let the calm after the storm come.
Joan Rivers, the raucous, acid-tongued comedian who crashed the male-dominated realm of late-night talk shows and turned Hollywood red carpets into danger zones for badly dressed celebrities, died Thursday. She was 81.
It’s midnight on a crisp October evening and you find yourself strolling through the local graveyard, weaving in and out of tombstones with the full moon as your only source of light. There is a slight chill in the air. You can feel the terror coursing through your veins, and your heart pounds in your chest as you hear a rustle in the bushes nearby.