“This year, we’re taking it a step further with special effects, adding even more excitement to the event,” Edara said. “We’re also thrilled to bring snow to Christmas on Fifth this year, adding an extra layer of holiday magic.”
Author: Olivia Chhlang
“The students, I think, are all rising stars,” Jiang said. “I’m always motivated by them — even undergraduate students. Usually, they have a lot of course work but they still are very interested in frontier research so they dedicate a lot of time and effort [to] that.”
There’s nothing I can do about the connection between hunting and its Southern roots, and I promise I won’t call PETA every time hunting season comes around. What I find weird is the need to post it on social media. Somehow a limp deer with blood pouring from its mouth does not violate the community guidelines. If I’ve seen the first picture, I don’t need a slideshow of the deer from every angle — with video — of it getting skinned and shot.
“At the end of the day, people are just looking for people to take ownership of some of the problems,” Klein said. “Being one of the few people who specializes in Wi-Fi puts me in the unique position of being able to take responsibility for it and make sure we get a fix implemented when something doesn’t work.”
People who may see a black cat may avoid the path the cat has taken because they want to lower the chances of attaining bad luck, and if no bad luck comes their way, they will continue to avoid black cats when they see them.
While Columbia was nice, Terrell said what sets Baylor apart is its students. His Christian faith allows him to build relationships with students to find their “sense of purpose.”
Each year, the team works to build a car from nothing. The first step is to create 3D models of every single part of the car and then assemble those 2,000 parts to form a car model. From there, they buy the raw materials and machine and sand all the parts together.
New renovations in the Makerspace allow each activity to be done in a bigger, separate section, with a student staff member always on duty. Mikulencak said she hopes it entices more students to stop by.
“I need to find everything that I need from your [resume] – software capabilities, program capabilities – what you’ve been involved in and how you’ve been involved in them,” Wiseman said.
“Take a lot of pride in the work you do in class,” Martinez said. “People sense the excitement in you, especially the recruiters. I want to work with another human being who has the same level of passion that my co-workers do.”
Aranda said the company that overtook Grubhub has been slowly getting rid of the robots. The Starbucks in Moody Library no longer uses them due to the number of complaints received in the past about the quality and efficiency of the robots.
“If you’re doing a research paper and you want to see the perspective of a Baylor student from the 1800s or you want to read through newspapers of Waco in the 1910s, you’ll find those in those collections,” Ames said.
The support Martini received from her own teaching fellows in her freshman year made her want to become one and give back the aspect of community that was instilled in her.