Author: Jessica Rajkumar

Even without a parking permit, driving on campus for events that are outside of towing and fining periods is a hassle if you don’t plan at least 15 minutes to find parking. For students who can’t afford to pay for the expensive registration fee or who physically cannot walk far to class due to conditions, the university should consider having new parking on campus for students.

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By Jessica Rajkumar | ReporterBaylor’s undergraduate political science department has introduced new methods in its lessons and perspectives in its curriculum to teach students about the impact of African American authors and their influence on the political climate. With the rise of movements and protests across the country, many people have become politically aware to keep track of what is important and to stay informed and active on what is happening in our country. The increased publicity of progressive movements, such as Black Lives Matter, has raised some serious questions that challenge people’s perspectives on the racial injustices happening every…

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