By Drew Humphrey | Guest Contributor
Recently, the Lariat wrote an article titled “Witches Are not wicked, coven mother says.”
One thing I am realizing more and more the older I get is that I do not trust myself, and I do not trust other people.
“What do I feel?” “What do I wish was true?”
These are all questions that our hearts ask, but they are not the most important question:
“What does God say?”
I believe the easiest way to see what God says, is to see what the Bible says. I believe that God is unchanging, and so the words he shared to these ancient biblical writers cannot contradict something from today.
And the purposes of God sharing His Word is for our flourishment and for our protection, because He loves us. This is true for every topic.
So what does God say about witchcraft?
Deuteronomy 18:9-13 says that no one should be found among you who practices witchcraft. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord.
Micah 5:12 says that God will destroy witchcraft and stop the casting of spells.
Galatians 5:19-21 warns us that those who practice witchcraft will not inherit the Kingdom of God.
Acts 19:19-20 tells the account of a group who practiced sorcery turning to Jesus and burning their scrolls of witchcraft. Because of this rejection of sorcery, the word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power.
There are many topics that well-meaning Christians from both sides disagree on. But one of the most universal beliefs amongst Christians is that witchcraft is not something to mess with.
God uses some of the most serious language in the entire Bible against these very practices.
What God says seems to be clear to me.
Be careful, friends.