By Michael Haag | Sports Editor
The scene is all too familiar.
Fresh off ordering via kiosk or through the line, the wait for your Chick-fil-A food begins. When the anticipation ends and you are given your food, there’s an immediate urge to check the bag to make sure all the sauce you asked for is inside.
Despite popular opinion, there should be a clear No. 1 choice here in terms of options at Chick-fil-A. Whether you’re dipping fries or nuggets, Polynesian is the easy selection when an employee asks which sauce you desire.
Let’s be honest: Sauce carries the fries at Chick-fil-A anyway. It’s no question that if they were just plain old fries with nothing to dip in, the taste would take a serious hit. When all the options are laid out, you might as well make the right choice.
What’s not to like about Polynesian sauce? It’s a complimentary, sweet flavor that isn’t overwhelming and has zero spice. Everything that could ever be desired in a sauce is found with flying colors in the tasty blended dressing.
Now, let it be known that Chick-fil-A sauce is a close second here. The flavor is more neutral and goes well with chicken sandwiches — even better than Polynesian sauce does. Just because Chick-fil-A sauce tastes a tad bit better than Polynesian sauce with chicken sandwiches, though, doesn’t mean that the latter isn’t way ahead on the scoreboard for fries and nuggets.
It’s not even close. Dipping those waffle fries or tender chicken nuggets into Polynesian sauce is an absolute game-changer — again, no disrespect to the Chick-fil-A option. Great choice, very tasty, just not on the same level as Polynesian.
Here’s my advice: If you’re mix-and-matching fries, a sandwich or nuggets, just get a little bit of both. It’s not criminal to like both sauces; however, if it came down to one or the other, you would have to make the obvious choice.
Yep, I’ll take a couple Polynesian sauces, please. Sorry, not sorry, Chick-fil-A sauce.