By Sydney Scheckel | Contributor
The students at Baylor University are in desperate need of a sidewalk between the science and business buildings. Students currently trek across a dirt path that is spotted with grass that leads them to either the BSB or the Hankamer Business School. Adding a sidewalk would lead to a great amount of convenience for both students and staff.
Between the amount of time students spend cleaning their dirty apparel and staff mopping and sweeping up debris caused by this inconvenience, the sidewalk would be worth the cost. This grassy area spotted with some large trees deserves a sidewalk for people to walk upon. The surrounding grass would also have a much better chance at flourishing if an enormous amount of foot traffic was not pelting it every day.
In addition to cleaner schools and students, having a lighted path across this area would make the walk much safer for students who are walking across it at night.
“Our walk is already so long to begin with, it would be nice to not have to walk through mud after a big rain,” Boston junior Sarah Boral said. “I would love to not have to clean my shoes every time it rains. Having a sidewalk across the area that was well lit would be amazing, it would be a much more pleasant and safer walk between the two buildings.”
Many students would be so appreciative of this additional sidewalk. An extraordinary amount of mud and debris have been washed off of student’s shoes and apparel overtime due to the inconvenience of not having a sidewalk to walk on.
In addition to the inconvenience of walking through mud every day to get to class, the staff has to clean these messes up after the students get to their designated buildings.
“It would be very beneficial. It’s not very efficient to walk the sidewalk that goes beside the road. It can be very yucky to walk across that area after a rain,” Don Carpenter, clinical assistant professor of accounting, said.
Sidewalks are no doubt an investment, but a necessary investment, nonetheless. Many have observed that Baylor has lack of well-constructed pathways versus other universities.
Baylor’s campus, just like any other piece of property requires upkeep and renovations. The addition of this sidewalk will not be an inexpensive venture, but it would be well worth Baylor’s time and money to invest in their students’ safety and faculty’s patience.
Sydney Scheckel
Risk management and insurance major