Lariat Letters: Political advocacy has no place at Baylor homecoming festivities

Dear Baylor student at the homecoming pep rally:

First of all, I applaud you for wearing your Baylor Line jersey and for showing Baylor spirit.

I feel it important that, despite our losing record, the fans still exhibit pride for the university. However, there were two things that I did not approve of and, frankly, found inappropriate for a pep rally.

The first, and most abhorrent, of these infractions was your “Romney/Ryan: Believe in America” sign.

Now, as you are certainly aware, there is a Republican majority at Baylor; perhaps this is why you felt it acceptable to display such propaganda. That being said, a homecoming pep rally is not the correct venue for the display of political messages.

While I understand that it is your right, as per the First Amendment, to proclaim your affinity for Governor Romney, I believe that a little more modesty in your presentation was needed.

A pep rally is held to focus on the university, the team and, most importantly, the fans.

Alumni and current students alike are attending the event to show support for the men who will put their bodies on the line the next day, men who proudly wear the green and gold they fight so diligently for. Your antics distract from the intended focus of the pep rally, causing those of us that are there to support Baylor to avert our attention towards you.

Now, given the nature of your actions, this was clearly one of your intentions. My only question is, why?

Baylor is, without doubt, a Conservative hotbed. If your primary objective is to convey to the voting masses that Mr. Romney is the ideal choice for the office of the president, I fear you are preaching to the choir.

Not all Baylor students, of course, feel that Mr. Romney should be the next President of the United States. These students may not wish to be associated with the idea that all of Baylor university supports Mr. Romney.

If you had perhaps taken a minute to think about the consequences of your actions, you might have realized that by wearing your Line jersey and appearing at a Baylor event, you are representing the university. As a representative of the university, it is your responsibility to uphold certain standards so that the university can be painted in a positive light. Unfortunately, you failed miserably.

Your second infraction was your costume dog head. For those who may be reading this that did not have the joy of witnessing in person, I shall do my best to describe it. Imagine Pluto at Disney World, the costumed character who walks around taking pictures with happy visitors. Pluto has a large grin on his face, elongated black ears, a couple of whiskers and a bulbous nose.

Got the picture? Pluto looks pretty happy, doesn’t he?

Now take the image and strip away the professionalism that went into making the costume. Take away the grin, the cheerful demeanor, and what are you left with? The costume dog head you, dear Baylor student, were sporting at the pep rally. Again, my question is, why?

Are you ashamed of supporting Mr. Romney? Did you feel that an oversized orb would garner more attention for your cause? Personally, if I were to do something as tasteless as what you did, I would be ashamed to show my face. At the same time, a costumed head is a great deal more visible than an uncovered one, so I will assume that this is why you wore the costume. That being said, if you do not have the courage to raise high your political message without covering your face, you need to reconsider your vote and leave the signage at home.

In conclusion, the homecoming pep rally is supposed to be about Baylor university, the place many thousands call home.

Our tradition transcends elections, partisanship, and politics. Baylor university has numerous reasons to celebrate. All I ask is that you please refrain from interrupting this celebration of our great university with your plebeian pageantry.

Jordan Sakakeeny

