Pre-law students put through the wringer

Law school workshop will be more in-depth than last year

By Mallory Hisler

Baylor Law School is revamping its workshop meant to kick pre-law students into gear with its second Pre-Law Boot Camp.

The workshop, put on by the Baylor Law School admissions department, is intended to target undergraduate students who plan on applying to law school.

The event will focus on a number of areas, including sessions on how to select a law school, how to craft a personal statement and how to finance a law school education, as well as other tips and tricks.

There will also be a question and answer session with current law school students, and free pizza will be served.

“It will be similar but not the same as last time and will address potential applicants who are currently applying as well,” Baylor pre-law coordinator Julie King said.

The new workshop method, which will take a broader approach to the law school application process by adding new, more in-depth sessions, is also meant to allow students who went to the last camp to attend and get more information.

“We had really good attendance and great feedback at the last one,” Nicole Masciopinto, director of admissions and student recruitment for the law school, said.

With this feedback, the admissions office was able to design the new boot camp to have more significant impact on students, by tackling subjects such as financial aid.

Kansas City sophomore Kayla Clark, a psychology major and political science and philosophy double minor, said she learned many new tips on writing a personal statement at the last boot camp, and she is looking forward to the new sessions to learn more.

“I really liked it,” Clark said. “Last year I learned so much, because I had no clue what was involved with a personal statement. This year, I hope to learn more specific information about getting in to law school.”

Masciopinto encouraged all students considering a legal education to attend, because the event coordinators will go through the steps of the application process admissions officials want to see in applicants.

“I definitely think that students will have an edge, because this is coming straight from the mouth of the admissions office,” she said.

She stressed that this event is not just for students who plan on attending Baylor Law School.

The information that will be presented could be generally applied to the admissions process at a number of different schools.

“There are a lot of questions about applying to law school that students don’t know to ask, and that’s a great benefit to coming — we know,” she said.

The boot camp will be held from 5 to 9 p.m. Feb. 9 at the law school. Students are asked to register at