Browsing: medicine

“One of the things my students talk about his how fortunate they are to meet each other and hear one another’s stories,” Duncan said. “You see students from all different backgrounds and walks of life becoming friends and learning from one another.”

By the time you get to college, you’ve already heard all the typical advice like ‘don’t bring your whole wardrobe’ or ‘don’t skip class.’ But as the years go on, there are plenty of lessons you learn along the way. Here’s what members of the Editorial Board wish we had known about college.

“Minorities in Medicine is exactly what some students have been looking for in a student organization,” Klausmeyer said. “As Minorities in Medicine starts to gain momentum, we hope that underrepresented students can find a space to grow professionally and spiritually to achieve their goals, [because] one of the best ways to find inspiration is to see other people that look like you in positions of leadership.”

Texans only have a few more days to sign up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act. March 31 marks the deadline, as stated on Diversity in medical needs and income levels complicates President Barack Obama’s goal of ensuring affordable health care to all Americans.

Medicine and spirituality are not often talked about side by side.

Dr. David Levy, a neurosurgeon and author of “Gray Matter,” a book on the intersection of medicine and faith, will speak with students and faculty at 6:30 p.m. today in the B110 Baylor Sciences Building.