Buying a tapestry might seem ridiculous, but that’s the point. Being silly enables the brain to connect with emotions that are critical to coping with stress. You forget how to feel calm, but when you have a good laugh, it’s like everything’s OK again.
Browsing: Interior design
Trying to find the time and resources to be creative can be tricky, but our interests are what make us feel happy and inspired. So, whatever your craft may be, get creative when you can.
Interior design lecturer Hillary Burgess is bringing her knowledge and research in sustainability to Baylor’s interior design department.
As students begin to swap shoebox dorm rooms for spacious apartments, let’s look back at some of the most iconic and memorable apartments on television, finding some fun inspiration for our new spaces along the way.
Interior Design Studio 1 students received one of the greatest challenges of their design careers – building fully functional chairs using nothing more than cardboard and glue.
Elise King, lecturer in the interior design department, said the students were given two and a half weeks to use re-purposed cardboard and Elmer’s glue to create aesthetically pleasing pieces of furniture. Students were urged to research the physical properties of cardboard to determine the most effective way to use the material, King said.
Interior design isn’t as easy as it looks. Those that do it right can win big, and those who try it at all at Baylor know the degree is far from fluff.
Nestled between the Collins and Dawson residential halls is a two-story red brick building called Martin House. Inside, interior design students work diligently on design projects, often late. To three senior interior design majors, Martin House has been their base of operations for the last three years.