The number of stalking cases at Baylor rose by about 74% from 2021 to 2022, according to the 2023 Annual Fire Safety and Security Report. This increase has been seen across multiple campuses as stalking becomes more prevalent and recognized at colleges.
Author: Tyler White
Curtis Reynolds has been appointed as the vice president of business and finance and the chief financial officer at Baylor, effective March 1, 2024. In this role, Reynolds will be responsible for ensuring Baylor’s growth in financial strength and efficiency.
Hidden from the Baylor community underneath campus are tunnels that span the university. As mysterious as that sounds, these tunnels are important pathways for wiring and piping that provide service to numerous buildings across campus.
With everything else on your plate, do you even have the time to sit down, rate your professors and evaluate their performance? It may seem like a tedious task, but I believe it is so much more than just something you should push aside.
Baylor has been recognized by the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption as one of the nation’s top educational institutions to provide adoption benefits programs to employees. The university gives assistance to employees who are either fostering or adopting children.
“To have the opportunity to serve the law school that served me is just — I struggle to even articulate what that means to me,” Counseller said. “It’s just a tremendous privilege.”
Nichole Bekken, construction project manager, said demolition started in Memorial Hall and has jumped over to Alexander Hall, with 50-75% of the demolition work completed. She said crews are also working on the connector between the two buildings — named the Carona Family Commons in recognition of the gift from John and Helen Carona.
“If we’re able to continue to see the same amount of success that we’ve already seen with this composting in the residence hall dining halls … there is an option to expand our footprint on campus with Moonshot,” Getterman said.
With the help of physical therapy staff, Livingstone said she feels even better than she did before the surgery. After only eight weeks of recovery, she said it will only continue to get better.
“If there’s an opportunity for him to like, have more people listen to his music or be able to just perform at all, he will take it,” Langmore said.
“You’re making something that other people are going to view and appreciate, and you can just not be so stressful and meticulous over everything,” Barber said. “You can be a little more fluid and understand that mistakes or little blemishes are part of a piece. It doesn’t have to be perfect.”
“Whether you’re one of those people who are like, I know what I’m gonna do, and that’s fantastic, or whether you’re someone who is taking a lot of different changes and different majors and turns in your career, that’s okay, too,” Kade said. “You don’t have to have everything figured out.”
The Lyceum Series is an opportunity for the university to invite distinguished teachers and guest artists to discuss and present on topics of their expertise. It provides students with exposure to broader topics and experts on their respective fields.
“I think more Baylor students should kind of get involved,” Chambers said. “I didn’t even know that the Waco Friends of the Climate was as active in the community as they are, which is really awesome. You know, nothing is going to change unless so many people get involved.”
It’s important to have such beliefs and opinions, but when you’re deconstructing a tragedy and interpreting what happened during it for political gain, you’re no longer just stating your opinion. Instead, you’re taking the tragedy, removing the tragic aspect of it — the side that calls for sympathy or understanding — and using the situation for your own gain.
“I hope it reaches people in ways that they can’t, they can’t put into words,” Baty said.
With this record, the group showcases their ability to craft a cohesive musical narrative that slowly builds a dreamy state through the chemistry of every track working together.
“Professional brand image is how your reputation is perceived by others,” reads Shiners’ website. “We provide our services so that you can achieve and maintain that reputation.”
“I go to Bible study to get uplifted,” Oglesby said. “I go to Oso to learn the facts about my faith and learn to develop my view of my faith both historically and logically speaking.”
How are we supposed to enjoy our break from school when we have to prepare for school during our break?
“Remember that the risk will change your life, not just theirs,” Leigh said.
Schuetz said bullfighting became synonymous with the strength of the Spanish people. In the post-Peninsular War era, it became a sign of tradition as bullfighting rose to the popularity of being a sport and a spectacle. Therefore, it was something that Goya felt important to narrate artistically.
“The pieces that are often performed are definitely by composers that have been canonized, and they happen to be European male composers,” Maxile said. “But even in those European male composers, there are composers of African descent that are slowly moving from the margins of history into the actual pages of history books.”
Paramore continues to abandon their pop-punk roots of the past for a more indie-rock and post-punk focused style with an almost vintage tinge.
“It’s just a sweet way to connect and kind of get to hear about who they’re making it for, why they’re making it, you know, even just ask how their day is going; get to form connections with people,” Starnes said.
“We just all sing together, we have a great time and fellowship,” Ivey said. “We come from all walks of life and that includes Christians and non-believers and many other religions as well. It’s a place where hopefully everybody feels safe to sing and worship to the best of their ability.”
“I just hope that we’re able to bring an appreciation of Asian culture and openness to engage in conversation, especially difficult conversations, because those are so often needed,” Chung said.
“[Painting] allows us to tell stories, to invite others in to have dialogue and to also talk to others that are in different timelines,” Bly said. “When I go to a museum, I feel like there’s a conversation with someone who I’ve never met, that I’ll never meet because they’re from a distant time and passed on.”
You chose your major for a reason. Don’t judge someone else for theirs.
Hong Kong sophomore Taylor Chung, secretary of ASA, said the importance of this event is to represent and share Asian heritage with the entire Baylor community. Chung said it’s important to allow students to understand and learn about this culture in a familiar environment.