Author: Clay Thompson

The first week of college, whether you are a first-year student or a graduate student, can be very stressful. Many students might like to spend this first week back connecting with friends, exploring the town or going to parties, which is all well and good. But what do these activities and parties really contribute to your life? You can make more friends and decompress before the year begins, but wouldn’t you rather save yourself yearlong stress by sacrificing a week of your time and effort?

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While I do not judge and only share happiness for those who choose to pursue relationships or marriages more early on in their lives, to me it seems counterproductive to add yet another factor of attention to an already busy and stressful college world.

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I have become a master of compartmentalizing my personality. Charming and humorous to some, calm, quiet and reserved to many others — I must seem like a completely different person to several different groups. This is because I have discovered that different parts of myself work better in different situations.

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Overall, I think Elden Ring has the potential to be the game of the year. It has a large yet masterfully created world, filled to the brim with activity, tons of customization, a brilliant combat system with fun enemies and even more exhilarating bosses.

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