I make it my mission to take the best photo possible when I’m out in nature, and I usually receive a lot of comments which sum up to “just enjoy the moment.”
Author: Brady Small
A Martin Residence Hall community leader says he was fired in early December after speaking out about hidden cameras in some hallway smoke detectors of Martin and Penland residence halls.
We perceive God with whatever makes sense to us, but deliberately altering the image of God to whatever you please is not something that I think most Christians can get behind.
What sport did you play as a kid?
If you are wondering where the No. 1 place to go number two is.
Dating in order to change the other person’s beliefs is not a good reason to date them.
By Brady Small | Broadcast Reporter Last semester vandalism was a major issue in two of Baylor’s residence halls, and now the university is taking a controversial new approach to combat the problem. LTVN’s Brady Small has the details.
I found myself laughing at every turn but feeling emotional as well. It’s evident Po went through some serious character development, and the message of overcoming your past is clearly demonstrated.
By Brady Small | Broadcast Reporter It started in a dorm room and is now a recognizable brand on Baylor’s campus. Brady Small introduces you to the face of MyGirlTees.
Unlike any of the other forms of media listed above, podcasts have a way of efficiently providing educational information because of the amount of content that can be produced and the ability to multitask while listening to it.
By Brady Small | Broadcast Reporter Baylor’s Counseling Center didn’t miss the opportunity to raise awareness for world mental health day Monday with a brand new initiative. Brady Small shows you how they reached out to students on Fountain Mall.
The benefits of compliments will outweigh the detrimental fear of awkwardness and the potential for an uncomfortable situation every time.