By Foster Nicholas | Reporter
For the past two weeks the Cameron Park Zoo has hosted a spring break scavenger hunt targeted for people of all ages, but especially Baylor students. The scavenger hunt is still available at the zoo until Sunday.
The zoo is charging $20 for the chance to take part in the scavenger hunt. The $20 pays for an entire team of friends, family or even just a solo adventurer to gain access to the scavenger hunt materials and receive a stuffed animal. All that’s left to require to get the best experience is to download the free app Goosechase.
“I mean it’s worth it [for] just the stuffed animal, but the scavenger hunt was also a good time. The zoo always does a great job with their events, and this was no different,” Waco mom Sue Eckleson said.
While Eckleson went with her family, which included two young children, she also realized the event would have been just as enjoyable, if not more, without the children.
“Honestly I think I might come back with my girlfriends, I think I may have enjoyed this more than my kids. It’s an event that is tailored toward adults because it’s so tricky, but it’s naturally a children’s theme so it works for everyone,” Eckleson said.
Jonah Benson, a 22-year-old Wacoan, said he attended the zoo with a group of friends who had low expectations, but they were pleasantly surprised.
“Really I didn’t expect much, it was just a place to go and be able to talk with friends. We were able to walk around and enjoy ourselves. We tried the [scavenger] hunt and we were actually stumped a bit,” Benson said. “It seemed to me like it would have been too advanced for youngsters but we eventually had to ask a group of kids to help us find everything.”
Hidden within several exhibits are all the things needed for a competitive or cooperative experience with friends. The zoo has set up the event so the experience can be tailored to any way desired, so that the trip can be everything expected and more.
With only a few days left to attend the event, Cameron Park Zoo is offering a great escape from studying, tests and school work. The zoo will also have more events similar to this in the near future.