Tips for online classes from a former homeschooler

By Jordan Davidson | Reporter

With the recent COVID-19 developments, students all around the world have been forced to forfeit physically attending classes for homeschooling. Although these developments can be viewed by many as less than ideal, homeschooling isn’t that bad.

My homeschooling experience extends far beyond when online classes began on Monday. I was actually homeschooled my entire life until I came to college. Even though homeschooling is different, it’s not as difficult as it may seem. There are plenty of ways that you can use what you already have and know to maximize your homeschooling experience.

Take Advantage of the Flexibility

One of the best parts about homeschooling is the flexibility. Because I was schooled at home my entire life, I had the opportunity to work a part-time job, focus on sports, and explore creative activities like piano and writing rather than being cooped up in physical classrooms all day. Whether it’s spending extra time with family and friends (remember to stay 6 feet apart!), finishing up that art project you started your freshman year, volunteering to make grocery runs for those who are unable or just watching Netflix, homeschooling provides you with the time that was usually used to get to school or sit in hours-long classes to spend however you want. Take advantage of the flexibility and do something great!


It’s not easy to make yourself do things that you may not want to do, so I like to start by making a daily or weekly to-do list. Then, I find ways to reward myself for completing a task. Whether it’s screen time, snacks, or a FaceTime call to your friends from Baylor, creating goals to work towards is one of the best ways to make sure that you are getting everything done that you need to.

Stick to a Routine

Homeschooling gives you the freedom to complete your work from pretty much anywhere at any time, but don’t stray too far from what you normally do. As much as you can, try to simulate whatever environment you are the most productive in. It helps me to create an hour by hour schedule for classes and homework that looks just like my normal school schedule. This helps me to preserve the school mindset by creating a daily routine that looks like how I studied, ate and slept when I was back at Baylor. Maintaining your routine will help ensure that your transition into homeschooling is smooth.

Give Yourself Grace

Life is hard and as we’ve seen in the last few weeks, the world can change in a matter of minutes or hours. Sometimes, you just need a break from the new “normal” and that’s okay. Don’t be afraid to take an unscheduled break or push back working on an assignment in exchange for some time to journal, pray, or reach out to a friend. There are a lot of important things in life besides school and homeschooling allows you the opportunity to exercise more grace with yourself and others.

It’s going to be strange switching from attending physical classes to homeschooling, especially since I did it for 12 years, but it’s not impossible. With the right mindset and time management, homeschooling may help you save your GPA and keep you healthy!