Baylor Libraries celebrate the rare St. John’s Bible Heritage Edition

By Sarah Gill | Broadcast Reporter

Baylor Libraries celebrated their housing of one of the 299 copies of the St. John’s Bible Heritage Edition Thursday evening at the Mayborn Museum.

Aside from its rarity, the physical size of each collection is also impressive.

“They’re two feet by three feet when they’re closed, so they’re four feet by three feet when they’re open,” Eric Ames, Assistant Director of Marketing and Communications for Baylor Libraries and ITS, said.

The large presentation-sized books are representative of the books created before the invention of the printing press.

“It’s likely the first commissioned work of the entire Christian Scriptures in the last 500 years since the dawn of the printing press,” Sha Towers, Associate Dean of Research and Engagement for Baylor Libraries, said.

If you want to see the Heritage edition of the St. John’s Bible for yourself, go to the Baylor Central Libraries website.