By Morgan Kilgo | Broadcast Reporter
The latest fitness craze F45 is the latest group workout class to be offered at the McLane Student Life Center.
According to the F45 training website, the workout program got its start back in 2012 in Australia. The goal of the workout is to “create a group-training facility that featured the most dynamic and effective training styles to date.”
F45 stands for “functional” workout for a total of 45 minutes. During the workout, individuals are divided into groups and rotate through different exercises and stations for a set amount of time. At the SLC, the F45 classes rotate between cardio and resistance training depending on the day of the week.
“It’s based on interval training,” said Colorado junior and F45 trainer Jacob Humber. “We have all sorts of different amounts of exercises. Anything from your lower body to your core to your upper body.”
Each class has two personal trainers who demonstrate the exercises, monitor participants’ technique and keep energy levels high throughout the session. Trainers in each class strive to make sure everyone is enjoying the workout and having a good time.
What makes the F45 workout different from other workouts the SLC has seen is its atmosphere and social element.
“I like that we are all really close,” said Manchester sophomore Karolina Alvarez. “The atmosphere is the greatest thing, it’s the only reason we get up this early.”
The F45 class is offered at the SLC for $30 a semester. You can also sign up for the class as well as all the other group workouts the SLC has to offer for $50.
For more information and class schedules check out the SLC website: