By Lindsey McLemore | Reporter
There will be free, local music, food and coffee along the Brazos River behind Baylor’s Mayborn Museum today to celebrate the museum at the first Mayborn Music Fest.
The festival will feature free music, food and other activities at 6 to 9 p.m. today in the backyard of the Mayborn Museum Complex. The event is open to the public.
The festival will take place in the museum’s Historic Village, a restored 1890s community originally from Liberty, Texas, that was transported to Waco and now sits along the Brazos River. The village features a church, general store, schoolhouse, carriage house and other buildings, most of which will be open to visitors during the music festival.
The first 300 people to arrive at the music festival will receive a free Vitek’s Gut Pak and their choice of Common Grounds coffee drinks.
The Mayborn Museum’s first music festival will feature artists close to the Baylor and Waco community such as Honest Men, Alisha Pace and Thomas Csorba.
Event coordinators hope that having some familiar artists at Mayborn Music Fest will encourage students to get more familiar with the museum itself.
Tulsa, Okla., junior Casey Meyer is the Mayborn Museum’s public programs intern.
“We did some research last year and were surprised to learn that two-thirds of the students we surveyed had never been to the Mayborn Museum, and one-third had never even heard of it,” Meyer said.
Cindee Millard, the museum’s assistant manager of events, said she wants more students to get actively involved with the museum.
“Students are the lifeblood of Baylor University,” Millard said, “and so many of them aren’t aware that they have this great academic and social resource right across University Parks Drive.”
The Mayborn Museum Complex is a stop on the gold line of the Baylor University Shuttle, which makes it easily accessible to students.
The museum studies major offers several courses in the Mayborn Museum that can count as lab science courses for many majors, and student organizations can even reserve spaces in the museum to host events, Millard said.
“Museum admission is free to Baylor students during their operating hours, so long as students present a student ID,” Meyer said.
This includes the Jeanes Discovery Center, which has interactive science and technology exhibits, and the recently added National Geographic Sacred Journey’s traveling exhibition.
The Mayborn Music Festival will be at the Mayborn Museum Complex, located at 1300 S. University Parks Drive and is open to all Baylor University students, faculty, staff and even pets.