Viewpoint: Be unselfish: Celebrate love, not ‘love,’ on Valentine’s Day

Being single on Valentine’s Day can suck.

Especially when you have just gotten out of the first-semester relationship or you’ve realized over break that long-distance relationships doesn’t always work out.

As I begin to prepare myself for the emotional strain of once again not having a date on the day, I’ve decided on some things that could cheer me up.

I could host a S.A.D. party. For those who have lived under a rock  S.A.D. stands for “Singles Awareness Day.” It turns the sadness of not having a significant other into a celebration of your personal freedom to choose to be single.

I thought perhaps at this S.A.D. party, I could relish the fact that I am independent by stuffing my face with boxes of chocolate. I could make a heart-shaped cake to signify my love for myself.

I have to acknowledge the fact that media has turned this day inside out.

Greeting cards, stores with huge posters and commercials are all advertising the need to be in a relationship. This makes the consumer long for that special someone, no matter who it is.

Even the fact that two friends of mine are just recently engaged at age 18 spurs my thought that this whole ring-by-spring thing at Baylor is not a joke.

With all the suggestion from the media and Baylor tradition to be sharing Valentine’s Day with a date, I have to come to say enough is enough.

Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love, not specifically meant for that “special someone,” but for all who you give love to and those who love you in return.

If I may quote “Moulin Rouge,” one of my favorite movies, “The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.”

It’s important to show love to those who provide for us daily. The staff and faculty at Baylor deserve a huge thank you from the students on V-Day.

While my theatrical possibilities for how I will spend this upcoming Valentine’s Day are fun to think about, I believe what is important on Valentine’s is showing how we can ‘Love thy neighbor’ – Mark 12:31.

I much rather spend the day showing my friends what their love means to me and how I can give them my loving, caring friendship in return. I will also show my mother how much I love her for everything she’s provided me, including the love and support she gives me every day.

So thank your friends, family, Baylor faculty and staff and show them how much you love what they give to you by returning the love.

Perhaps offer to walk to class with your friends or have a Valentine’s dinner together. If you are in a relationship, don’t be afraid to include your friends and parents in your date, so that everyone can celebrate together and your friends and family do not feel excluded or unloved.

Kate McGuire is a freshman journalism major from Waterloo,    Iowa. She is a staff writer for the Baylor Lariat.