“Student Senate Disbanding the Bear Pit” seems to be among a majority of conversations lately. Disbanding, however, would be a poor choice of words. As a member of the Student Senate and current public relations chair, I would encourage you all to come to the Student Government office at some point in the last week of classes, get a copy of the bill and talk to one of your class senators about it.
This bill does not disband the Bear Pit. It only gives a suggestion to the administration that the seats in which they sit become available to the entire student body by not having a $20 fee and not requiring students to wear a purchased jersey. This would only make those great seats first come, first served.
Many students have expressed concern that the courtside seats are not filled to capacity, so why not open up those seats? I believe every Baylor basketball fan would love for the most visible seats to be filled for all home games. Instead of having to sit in the student section every game, you have the possibility (if you get to the games early enough) to get floor seats.
As Student Senate we are here to voice the opinions of the students. This means that when a student comes to us expressing an issue they would like to see addressed, we try our hardest to address it in the best way we know how.
Given, the bill could have incorporated a lot more research, and I do personally apologize for the lack of student opinion gathered.
However, the premise of this bill was never to disband the Bear Pit, but to make it so that more students could participate in the yelling, screaming and cheering for our beloved men’s basketball team at the closest proximity possible.
— Lexington Holt
Farmers Branch sophomore
Student Government Branding Coordinator